Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Power Trip

Have you met people that are proud of themselves? Especially those who have authority over you? Be it your superior or even your co-worker? I did. In fact, I met a lot. They’re actually everywhere.

There are superiors or supevisors that they think they own you. They think they’re always right, just because. I call those people as power trippers. 

I used to have a supervisor that didn’t want to get bypassed, in other words, we have to always follow the “chain of command”! Which I understand, and I always did. But this certain superior had favorites. If you’re not her favorite, and I was one of those, rest assured that she’ll always call your attention and find faults.

Thank God she’s not my supervisor anymore, she moved up. But before she did, I talked to her boss, and told him my concerns. He arranged a meeting for the three of us, and I was able to tell her how I felt, and how unfair she treated me. Of course at first she denied it, but there are incidents that even her supervisor witnessed, so she apologized.

I still see her even she’s not my supervisor anymore, the one 
who replaced her is more approachable, smart, and considerate. 

I was once a supervisor too, but never acted that way. I treated them the way I want to be treated. 

Supervisor or not, we should always bear in mind, that each one of us deserved to be respected regardless of rank or status in life.

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