Saturday, May 27, 2023


 There are a lot of distractions everywhere. Internet is one example, but that can be in our control. When I say distraction, it comes when you feel you want to be by yourself, to find your inner peace. To meditate, to pray.

I pray the rosary every morning, it’s a practice eversince I was in the Philippines. I pray every night too. But it doesn’t matter how I warned that I’ll start to pray, oh to please be quiet because i will be praying, it’s still the same.

Either somebody will talk to me, or will start swearing. Then I’ll get distracted. I know it’s the “other side” that does that. It wants be to take away my mind from the Lord.

But try as he might, he can’t win. Because my faith in God is strong. My mind might wander sometimes, but I will continuyto praise God. He is my only living God. 

In Jesus name. Amen 🙏 

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