Thursday, May 11, 2023

Mind Over Matter


Our body reacts to what our mind dictates. Whatever we think, there’s a part of our brain that sends command to our body to do it. 

We only have one life, we should take care of it. And life is not easy. There are a lot of problems, anxiety and oftentimes , it leads to depression.

But, why will we ruin our precious life by worrying a lot, by entertaining negative thoughts? Problems are already part of our life, we can’t avoid it. And it can’t be solve by making problems out of our problems. 

Do you think if we get mad to ourselves or to other people, that’ll help us solve our problem? NO! We can’t run away from it, the solution is to face it. After all, God won’t give it to us if He thinks, we can’t solve it.

Always pray and ask Gos for guidance, and He will leas us the way. We should always fight the negative thoughts by being positive, and by believing in ourself, that we can do everything with the help of our Lord. 

Don’t lose to negativity. Don’t give it a chance to ruin your life. Don’t give it a space in our life. Think positive. Think God.

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