Tuesday, June 20, 2023


 In 2021, when my husband and I went to California to watch football, I got the chance to meet my former co-workers and other friends . One of my friends and kumare, Ditas, gave me a book called “Strength for Each Day”, by Joyce Meyer. It’s for daily reading, and there are excerpts from the Bible. She told me to read it everyday, so I did, up to this day.

Today, the title was “Jealousy”. And it made me think. Human has no satisfaction, they will ask for one thing, and once they got it, they’ll ask for another, and another, and another. 

At first, I thought, it was normal to be jealous. Like when I was young, I get jealous of my classmates who had new shoes,’the expensive ones. Because I wanted to get a pair too, it was because I was jealous, I got a blade and slit my new shoes, so my mother can buy me a new pair like that.

I was terrible huh, but I didn’t know better then. I still gets jealous sometimes, but I always tell myself, I shouldn’t.  Even my husband , he gets jealous of my fiends, especially those husbands that gives them what they want. But I always tell him, he doesn’t know what goes beyond closed doors. All we can see is what they posted on their social media, but it’s different in reality, most probably.

Oh well, as for me, I am just thankful to God, because I know He loves us unconditionally, and we shouldn’t be jealous, because He loves us equally. 

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