Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Managing Stress

Let’s face it. Stress is already a part of our life, whether we like it or not, whether we admit it or not. It’s a part of our daily life. But how to manage it? How to live without being bothered by stress? It’s hard. We can’t just shake it off.

But since it’s a part of our life, we should learn how to live with it without being stressed out…lol…but come to think of it, do you think it will disappear if we think about it the whole day? Or being mad will solve everything? 

As for me, I tried not to be stressed out, I tried not to be affected. I know it’s impossible, I just always think that God will not give it to me, or He will not put me in a situation without a possible solution.

I always pray and ask His guidance, to teach me how to solve my problem, that gives me stress. He always has an answer to everything, we should just put our trust to Him, and let Him do His thing. 

It’s been proven. God listens to our prayers, it might take time, or it might not be the answer that we wanted, but give Him time, in His time, it will happen, more than what we prayed for. 

Lift everything to Him, He won’t forsake us. Amen 🙏 

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