Saturday, January 7, 2023


 “Here’s to the ones that we got. Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories of everything we’ve been through.”

These are just part of the song “memories” by Maroon 5. One of my favorite songs. I can play it over and over in my head. I like it because it reminds me of all the good and bad memories especially during my childhood.

“Toast to the ones here today. Toast to the ones that we lost on the way.” Looking back, there are a lot of people that I already lost, like my precious mother. We lost her in 2013, she was 80 years old. My father left us early, he was just 43. No matter how many years it has been, the memories and the pain that these two special people left can never be mended. They will forever have a special space in my heart and in my life 💕.

Relatives, friends, and other people also created memories in my life. Even if they just simply went to other places, or I lost contact with them, they already became a part of my existence. Even just a random person that I saw in the street, they already played a part in my memory. 

Memory is important, it’s one of the function of our brain. It’s like a storage. If we want to remember what happened yesterday, or a few years ago, we just have to dig and search for that memory. 

Be it good or bad, whether it made you happy or sad, life is short, keep making memories with your love ones while you still can. 

“Here’s to the ones that we got. Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not. “Cause the drinks bring back all the memories of everything we’ve been through.”

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