Friday, January 6, 2023

Thieves of Happiness

Everyday, we encounter problems, and that’s normal. I never met anybody whose life is perfect. Whether at home, school, work, everywhere, problem arises. But we always find solutions. It doesn’t matter how complicated it is, we always find an answer. 

I always have a positive attitude even when I was young. I don’t dwell too much nor I panic if I have problems. Because I always think that God won’t give it to us if He knew that we can’t take it. 

We all are different when we deal with problems, some are like me, a positive-thinker, some developed and suffered from anxiety and depression, others take it to heart to the point that they take their lives, because they can’t bear it anymore. 

There are people that never got to enjoy life because they worry too much, and because of this, they become short-tempered and easily get irritated or mad with little things. 

We have to realize that our problems can’t be solved by screaming, or getting mad at somebody. By doing these, it just make your life worst. These kind of reactions are what we call, the thieves of happiness. They robbed us from being happy, from enjoying our life. 

Instead of letting it get the best of us, why not ask God for guidance? To ease our burden, to clear our mind, and once we did these, you’ll see the light, and eventually, find the right solution. 

Life is short, don’t make a way to the thieves of happiness, but instead , let God in, into our mind, heart, and life. And you’ll see that everything will be ok, and life will be easy when we share it with God. 

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