Friday, January 13, 2023


I’ve already discussed about the thieves of happiness before.  One of them is stress. I guess it’s already a part of our life that we can’t ignore. 

I don't get stressed out easily, but when I do, it usually ruins my mood, if not my whole day. But it depends what kind of stress. If it’s about money, it doesn’t stress me out nor bother me that much. But when I’m at work and something happened or somebody did something and can’t wait to tell me, then I get stressed out.

When we were young, I remember my mother always reminded us, if we have bad news, unless it’s life and death, we should wait until she gets home and rested. Of course I was young then, I didn’t quite understand what she meant. But when I got old, I now know what she meant. She didn’t want to ruin her day nor want to think of the problem that will affect her job.

I wish I didn’t get old…lol. I didn’t realize that the more we get older, the complicated and stressful life is. But I don’t let this affect me that much, coz I know, this too will pass 😉.

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