Monday, March 6, 2023

It’s that time of year again. A time when Girl Scouts’ cookie are being sold everywhere, whether in stores or online. 

When I was new at work, I had a co-worker who was selling these cookies, out of respect, and because I didn’t want her to get mad at me, I ordered. I did that I think for 2 consecutive years. Until the following year, I began to refused.

Aside from it became so expensive, nobody’s eating it. I know it’s to help the girl scouts, but for $5/box, it’s a waste of money in my opinion.

I’m not being stingy, also, my husband is diabetic, and if he saw that, he won’t be able to resist it. 

I remember when I was a little girl, I used to be a girl scout, until one day, I told my mother that we will go on a camping. She didn’t want me to go, aside from we didn’t have enough money, (at that time, my father already passed and she was the sole breadwinner,), she was scared that something might happened to me.

During those days, we were never told to sell cookies. But we used to give us tickets to sell, girl scout raffle tickets. We will be given 1 booklet per student. The booklet had 20 or 25 tickets, 1 pesos each. We had to sell that, it was a must.

I didn’t know how to sell so most of the time, it was my mother who ended up buying those tickets. Which by the way, never won, not even one…lol

Nowadays, girls, together with their parents are selling cookies. But they’re not wearing girl scout uniforms anymore. I wish they still do. 

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