Monday, July 31, 2023


 I’m a happy person. I also have a positive outlook in life. But aside from that, I’m also a normal human being. There are times that I feel down, though I don’t sulk, or babysit it. I just let it pass naturally.

But there are moments like this that I feel sad, not sure why. And I don’t like the feeling. I just make myself busy and ignore it. 

Just like what I’m doing now. I’d rather watch Netflix, thank think about what’s wrong with me. And as the saying goes, “this too shall pass” 😊

Sunday, July 30, 2023


It’s Sunday, I woke up a bit late, it was almost 7Am. Yes, that’s already late for me. Redd, the puppy, woke me up, she wanted to go to the bathroom.

After that, I ironed my husband’s clothes. Then, I decided to work in my kitchen, I made suman, made lumpiang shanghai or spring rolls, and pot stickers.

Now I’m getting ready to hit the sack, weekend’s almost over. Have to wake up @ 4 again, and get ready for work. 

Thank you Lord for this weekend, and for all the blessings that we received. Amen πŸ™ 

Saturday, July 29, 2023


 I didn’t do much today, I just washed some clothes and chill afterwards. I got to watch my favorite kdrama on netflix. But in the afternoon, my husband and I went to look for green chile.

It’s that time of the year now. Where we buy a box of green chiles, and have the store roast it. The only tiring part is to peel, seed, and pack it. But this time, we’re planning to just pack it, an store them in the fridge.

They said it’s tastier if you leave the seeds in, also, it’s easier not to peel the whole box.

On our way to the store, we saw a lot of rude people. A round-about is being built near our house, stop signs are around it, but we noticed a lot of people doesn’t stop, it doesn’t matter who got there first, they just ignored it. 

In another street, there was this driver who even get my husband a dirty look, probably because he wanted to get to the far right lane. Then we we got to the store, there was another rude guy. I mean, i told my husband, it doesn’t cost anything to be nice to others, but they chose not to.

I wish I can turn back the time, where everything is easy, and everybody’s nice. It will also be nice to live in a better world, where people respect each other and knows God πŸ™.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Scary Day

Yesterday was weird and scary. They saw a mountain lion that was roaming around the neighborhood, but turned out well, since they put it to sleep and the animal control took care of it.

And today, I read that the SWAT team was in the neighborhood, and the people who live near the streets where the activity was happening got a notification from their email and cellphone to just stay at home. It lasted for hours.

But just like with the big cat, it also didn’t last long. They caught the person that they were looking for. 

Thank you again Lord that nobody got hurt πŸ™ 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A Very Tiring Day

It was due date yesterday, I’m talking about my program, my work…lol… I’m handling business, and they’re due every 25th of the month, and some are semi-annual. Been doing my co-worker’s program too because she’s on vacation and I’m her back up. 

I was very busy, and I don’t think I can attend the Excel tomorrow. I have to finish those that are due tomorrow. 

I will have to work double time…lol

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Monday, July 24, 2023


It’s the first day of the working week again. Woke up at four in the morning as usual. Made it safe to work, got busy with my programs. Got back home safe also. 

Thank you Lord for today, for all the blessings that we recieved and for keeping us safe all the time. 

Amen πŸ™ 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Weekend is Over πŸ˜”

Days go by really fast! It’s Sunday night, that means, I will have to wake up as early as four in the morning again. And get ready for another week at work. 

This morning, I had energy to do something in the backyard. Since it was just six in the morning, when I took the dogs out, I started to pull the weeds. Why not? The sun was still hiding, and before I knew it, I was done. We saved $160 😁. 

Will hit the sack now, to gain back my energy 😁

Saturday, July 22, 2023


It’s Saturday, both of us are off today and tomorrow. After the housework, my husband took me to shop. He bought me two pairs of shoes…yay!!!

I was supposed to buy another pair, it was on sale, a winter boots, but changed my mind. Those two pairs are already expensive, maybe some other time, and hopefully, they’re still there 😁.

Thank you Lord for all the blessings that we received today πŸ™ πŸ™πŸ™

Friday, July 21, 2023

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Redd “The Trouble”

This is Redd, she’s Sam’s youngest puppy. We kept her because she’s really cute, and smart, but she’s also the “Alpha” amongst her two other siblings.

Today, the 20th, they turned four months. Time flew by so fast. Redd’s so sweet when she’s sleeping…lol. I guess it’s in their genes, the three of them loves biting us…lol

My husband spoiled her, she can get away from almost everything. She can chew his shoes, his shoelaces, even his eyeglasses. He can get mad at her, but only for a few seconds. Redd loves him, she’s always excited seeing her grandpa. 

Yesterday, when I got home, water was spilled on the kitchen floor, she dragged their bowl of water, played with it, and spilled. She loves playing with water. 

We love her, and she’s smart and funny. We just wish she gets over her biting habit, and will behave soon…lol

Happy 4months-old ReddRunner 😘

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Got two notifications regarding password change for my Facebook account. One last night, and another one this morning. But I never requested one. 

And it turned out that some of my friends received the same too. Some of my friends had their accounts hacked, some recovered their, some didn’t.

That’s why I had a back up email, and I activated the two-factor authentication, plus, I downloaded the duo mobile.

I hope it’s enough to guard and protect my account to those hackers!!! 

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Too Hot πŸ₯΅

I went to work today. I had a lot since my co-worker started her vacation today, and I am her back-up. So, aside fome my program, I had to do hers too. 

And since both of our programs’ due date is on the 25th, and it’s getting near, so people started paying their taxes. 

It’s summertime, and this year is extra hot, since it’s El NiΓ±o, that means, it’ll be super hot. I turned on my fan, usually we can bear it, especially our building has AC. 

At lunch time, we were eating, and then, @12:30, one of my co-workers came back from lunch, and when she checked her email, somebody from the admin emailed all of us that we can go home since the ac’s not working properly and it will be hot. 

So, I looked for our boss and he said, it was ok for us to leave. We left work @ 12:40, and I got home @ 1:20. It was nice to be home early, even my dogs were surprise to see me first before their dad.

Hopefully they didn’t fix it yet, but I doubt it…lol 

Monday, July 17, 2023


 I really feel so tired. I always don’t get enough sleep, and last night, another worst night. I was so tired but didn’t get enough sleep. 

I don’t know why. I think there’s something wrong with my health. I never had a good sleep for years. Aside from my eyes are bugging me. I get dizzy most of the time, and my vision is not that good.

Even my ears, though the left ear still has the buzzing sound, which I’m already used to. I’ve had it for more than two decades now, but the left is starting to act up too. This morning it was making a “thud” sound. 

I hope and pray that I won’t get blind and deaf 😭. I will have to get a referral to an ophthalmologist, when I see my provider next month.

Other than that, I'm always thankful Oh Lord, to Your generosity and for always taking care of us. πŸ™ 

Sunday, July 16, 2023


 I woke up @ 4:46am today, I was late (so I thought). I got up right away, went to the bathroom and started the shower. I brushed my teeth, and washed my face, but wondering why my alarm didn’t go off. It was on, I didn’t think that I turned it off. 

While waiting for the water to warm up, I checked the time again, then checked the date, true enough, today is Sunday. I have no work. That was also the reason why the alarm didn’t go off, it’s because, it only alarm on the weekends.

I really thought that today is Monday. After realizing it, I turned off the shower, and went back to bed. After all, it’s still my day off, and it’s too early to get up.

Have a great Sunday 🌞 

Saturday, July 15, 2023

El NiΓ±o!

My family in the Philippines always complaining how hot the weather is there. They said, it will rain, but afterwards, it’s hot again, even hotter. 

Today, we went somewhere, and As soon as we got home, I feel so exhausted, and just now, I moved my car, not even five minutes, and I was already sweating. 

I think we have the same weather here as in the Philippines, both humid. I didn’t notice it that much because when I’m at work, the Ac’s on, same here at home. 

I can’t imagine the poor people in the Philippines, it must be so hard. My family and I are one of those who are blessed enough to be able to live comfortably.

Thank you Lord for Your blessings, and for loving us unconditionally. Amen πŸ™ 

Friday, July 14, 2023


 It finally came! I woke up @ 3:30 this morning, went to work, then drive back home. Sooo tired! Hitting the sack now!!! 

Happy weekend!!! 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Excel Training

 This was the fifth. My supervisor offered to train us, it wasn’t compulsory, but I joined because I want to learn. It’s an additional knowledge. 

I kept on yawning, but it woken me up when she asked my co-worker if she was sleeping…lol πŸ˜‚

It was only an hour and fifteen minutes, though sometimes it gets boring, but it was interesting too.

She always give us tasks or homework, but I didn’t get the chance to do the previous. Why? I was busy at work, and when I’m home, i get lazy…lol

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hump Day Wednesday

We’re in the middle of the week. Two more days and it’ll be weekend again! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

I-25 On-Going Construction

 On my way home yesterday, I got stuck in the traffic @ I-25. I forgot about it, they’ve been  doing it since Friday. And I thought today, they’ve been done. Good thing I saw the sign before I jumped in the freeway, they’re still there.

I had no choice but to turn and took Cerillos Rd. And it seems like the construction is not enough, I got stuck again because of the accident, then another one. It was almost 6pm when I got home since I had to stop by to the store to buy my rice. 

When I got home, had to take the dogs out, cooked my dinner, took another shower, by the time I was about to eat, it was already 7pm. 

I usually go to bed @7:30, but since I ate late, had to wait a lil bit. 

I what a busy and tiring day. But still, thank you Lord for this day and for all the blessings that we received. Amen πŸ™ 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Tired & Sleepy

 Monday! The first day of work, of the week. But I feel extra tired. In fact, it was a struggle while I was driving on my way home. I was falling asleep. It tried my very best to stay awake. Thank God, I got here safe and sound. 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Sammy 🐢

 This is Sammy, we fondly call her Sam or Sam-Sam. When she was barely 2 months old. She was able to get out, and when I chase  her, I stepped on the small piece of ice on the driveway, and dislocated my left arm. Good thing it was pandemic (2020), and I was working from home. And did I mention that it was Christmas and eve. Yes, that was my luck.

Then just two weeks ago, my her human dad, my husband, brought her and her puppy, Redd, to work. Everything were ok, until a delivery came in. He, opened the door, signed, then closed it. He went back to his meeting. Until there was a knock on their door, it was a lady from another office, and told them that Sam was waiting outside. Joe didn’t see her got out and closed the door. Good thing the lady was nice enough to tell enough, because she said that Sam was waiting by the door. 

Then last Friday, July 7th, I was at work, when I received a notification from the front door camera. When I checked it, I saw a tiny black dog on the front. Good thing Joe was already home, and I asked him if Sam was there, he said, they were all at the backyard. Told him he needs to check coz I just saw Sam outside. He went and confirmed that Sam got out. She probably saw a lizard, which she hates by the way πŸ˜’. And that’s that. He got her and brought her inside, snd gave her a little scolding.

Then today, I took them at the backyard to use the bathroom, then Sam ran fast, climb the gate, (which I enclosed with chicken wire when we moved here almost three years ago, so the dogs can’t get out). But the chicken wire wasn’t high enough, so she was able to get through the higher slat. It took me time to get her, she went as far as 6 or 7 houses away. 

She’s a troublemaker. Now, I put more chicken wire as high as the gates, both sides. But she can’t get out without supervision. We can’t trust her. We’re scared that one day, she’ll be hit by a car, get stolen, or will be able to go thru our neighbor’s gate, and who know, there might be dogs in their yard, and might attack her. Which I hope and pray won’t happen πŸ™ 

Saturday, July 8, 2023



So Saturday is almost over! It went by so fast, really! I got up before 6am, did my usual chores. Then we went and ate brunch @ Vic’s. It was really a HUGE serving, and like always, took the rest to go. 

When we got back home, I continued washing the remaining clothes in the washer/dryer. 

Then it was “ ME TIME”. I sat down and watched my favorite shows on YouTube and Viki. 

When I checked the time, it was almost 9pm. No wonder I feel so tired and sleepy. 

One day of weekend is almost over, another one is approaching. I’ll try to enjoy it as much as I can. 

Goodnight world 🌎 . Thank you Lord for all the blessings today πŸ™

Friday, July 7, 2023

Redd Day!!! 🐢

 Redd had an appointment at the animal clinic today. I brought her with me at work. Everybody visited her. They love her. She cooperated. She was quiet and lovable. 

She just stayed m with me in my little cubicle. My co-worker brought her little dog too. But she was shy, Redd wanted to play but she was avoiding her. She left right away because of her groomer’s appointment.

Her grandpa picked her up. And thank God, they got home safe.

Thank ypu Lord for this day πŸ™.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Busy @ work!?

Today was my first day after my 5-day short vacation. Didn’t much to do. Just a few checks that I processed, a few returns that I prepped. And more on watching YT…lol

It was boring, even if I watched my fave shows on YT. Oh, we had our excel training after our first break. It was interesting, I really want to learn it, so I can teach my husband. Because, as a manager, he needs to know it. 

Other than that, I didn’t do much today. Tomorrow is Redd’s appointment to the ver for her shots.

Hope she’ll be fine with the trip and won’t puke. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Back To Work

 My five days of short vacation is over. I will go back to work tomorrow. But then, only 2 days and weekend again!!! Yay!!!

I was able to make “suman sa malagkit”, and leant how to knit. I made a scarf. And is working on another one. I can say, thoug I didn’t do much, I enjoyed it. 

Tomorrow back to reality 😝.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Happy Independence Day πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

It’s tomorrow, but the fireworks already started a few days ago, and tonight’s the eve. Fireworks are everywhere now. My dogs started to get agitated, but the good thing is, and I think the calming treat is working, 

But Sam’s growling, she’s on my back but facing the window, and she’s a lil bit shaking, but not much. I made sure I bought those snacks because I know, all of  my dogs will be scared. We planned on waiting until midnight to see the display of fireworks, but we both felt tired, and Joe doesn’t feel good. 

I just hope everyone, especially those who light the fireworks, as well as the pets. I hope no dogs will be in the street and get hurt because they got scared of the booming sounds. It’s nice to celebrate but we still have to be very careful. 

Happy Independence Day America!!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜❤️πŸ’₯

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Chillin’ Part 3

It’s 7:32, Sunday’s almost over, the weekend. But mine’s not yet, it’s extended until Wednesday. Ain’t that the truth? Lol. Aside from vacuuming the 2nd floor and cleaning the master’s bathroom, I just chilled.

I just watched Netflix, my Kdrama of course. I just want to savor every moment of my short vacation. Time goes by so fast, before I knew it, I’m back at work again.

But for now, I don’t want to worry about it. I’m just worried about my dog on Tuesday, July 4th. It’s the fireworks. But I think the calming snacks worked for them, I had them tried it and they’re all fine with it, except for Redd, she’s too young and as I observed, she’s not bothered by the fireworks. 

Sp hopefully everything will be fine. And I hope it’ll be a safe and happy celebration.

Saturday, July 1, 2023


It’s Saturday, as usual, I cleaned the house today, but not the 2nd floor, not yet, maybe tomorrow. But aside from cleaning, I did the laundry too, and the hubby and I went to the store to get my medicine, and bought some stuff for the house. 

I have just finished my laundry, but been chillin’ and watching my favorite shows on YT And now, I’m starting a new Kdrama on Netflix.

I just want to relax and feel the weekend. I can’t believe Saturday is almost over. But I still have four more days to chill. I want to enjoy my long weekend. July 4th is on Tuesday, I hope the calming snacks for my dogs will do the trick. 

Sammy 🐢 ❤️

It was just March of this year when Sam gave birth to three beautiful puppies. We kept the youngest, Redd, I gave the other girl to my co-wo...