Friday, June 30, 2023


Yay!!! It’s the weekend, and holiday on Tuesday, and I am off for 5 day!’n I have just turned off my alarm. I won’t ne waking up too early, nor drive an hour back and forth to work.

Have a great weekend!!! 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Not Much!

 Nothing much happened today. Just the usual, went to work, got busy with my program, excel training, then meeting in the afternoon.

Of course, I watched my kdrama on my lunch break. And while working, and this is my favorite overlapping technique, watching my favorites on YT….lol

Now, I’m so tired. I was already nodding downstairs. I just hope Redd will sleep continuously the whole night, so I can too.

Goodnight 💤😴 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


As we get older, we get wiser. And as we mature, our circle of friends gets smaller. Why? It’s because friends come and go. And real friends are hard to find. Actually, we don’t need a lot of friends, we just need those that are true, those who will stick thru thick or thin. 

I met a lot of people, some became friends, some acquaintances, and others are just “passersby”. Some stayed because they just wanted to get something, or just used me. They’re not really friends. 

That’s why we have to be careful when choosing friends. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them, their true color will come oit one day, when you least expected it. 


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Let Go, & Let God 🙏

 Teach and guide me Oh Lord in all that I do, and in all my decisions, especially the specific one that I told you about. I’m letting go, and letting you God oh Lord! 

In Jesus name! Amen 🙏 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Oh well!

 I still can believe it! How is a good intention turned out to be bad? I had no idea. All I know is that, I thought I was caring for a friend. but it turned out, it was a bad thing to do.

It started when I had a bad dream, and it involved my friend. It was really bad that I got so worried about that friend. It seemed so real. So I decided to contact my so-called friend, in every means possible, but to no avail.  

I was so worried that I even told my husband, and he helped me, days went by but still nothing. Until one day, I found out that my friend is ok, as well as the family member. 

I felt stipid because, out of all the means of communications, there was one that I missed. And because of that, there was misunderstanding, that resulted to somebody got suspicious, got mad, and then everything got tangled up.

One thing that was hurtful was, when they jumped into conclusions, that somebody was stalking somebody. What the hell! Maybe I have to blame the ID show. Because of that, I got scared and thought my bad dream was really true. 

And I learned my lesson not to care so much. Because even if you know somebody that long, we really don’t know them! 

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes, and for realizing that we can’t trust just anybody, but You. 

In Jesus name. Amen 🙏 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Life’s Lesson

Life is mysterious. There are times that we have to decipher what’s ahead of us, or why certificates things happened or happening to us. 

Just like that Forrest Gump said in the movie of the same title, “life is like a box of chocolates, you don’t know what you will get.”

Same thing that the people that we knew, whether they’re family, friends, or just plain acquaintances, even the people that we knew all our life, they still gives us “surprises”. 

I have just learned a new lesson, not to care too much. Actually,  I’ve experienced this before, but never learned my lesson, and it happened again.

I told myself before, I only have myself to trust. And I’m determined to do it, and never to forget. That’s the only time  that I can protect myself. 

Help me Lord to trust only you and to care only for my family and those thay I can trust. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen 🙏 

Saturday, June 24, 2023


Thank you Lord for today. For all the blessings that we received, for our our safety and all our love ones. Thank you for giving us strength m, and for helping is with our everyday life.

Lord, help me to understand everything. Give strength to bear and understand what’s going on in my life, and with the world. Strengthen my faith, to praise You always, and be close to you. 

Help me forget and forgive all the people who did me wrong, and those who hurt me. May they find peace in their heart. 

I know we now live in a different world, where the right becomes wrong, and the wrong becomes right. Touch their heatt Oh Lord, so that they will find the way to your heart and ypur love.

This I ask in the name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏 

Friday, June 23, 2023


Finally!!! It’s weekend!!! Though this was a short week since Monday was a holiday, we still felt that weekend came very slow. Especially I didn’t het enough sleep for two days. 

Sam was throwing up in the middle of the night on Thursday, and it continued until the ff day. And again, if I was sleeping, and woke up in the middle of the night, it will be hard for me to go back to sleep.

That’s why I can’t wait for the weekend. Though I always have a lot of things to do here at home, at least I’ll be able to just stay at home and not drive a long way to and from work.

Right now, I feel so tired, sleepy, so what I’m gonna do is to take the dogs out so they can relieve themselves before bed, after that, I’m gonna hit the sack 😁. 

Goodnight 😴💤🌙 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Sooo Exhausted!!!

I went to work today so tired! I only had an hour of sleep. I went upstairs before 8pm last night, did my usual routine, watched my kdrama, but i turned it off before 9pm. I have just fell asleep when I heard Joe’s voice, asking me of I’m sleeping. 

That irritated me, because I usually get a migraine if I woke up all of a sudden. That’s that, And then, in the middle of the night, I woke up by his voice again, this time, it was because Sam, threw up on his pillow. So I had to change his pillow cases, and the bedsheet. Then made some home remedy for Sam, to stop her from vomiting. 

By the time I fell asleep, it was already 3am, then I heard my alarm went off at 4am. I thought of calling in sick, but I already did that last week, it was Thursday too. So I got up, took a shower, got ready, and went to work. 

Thank God I made it. Was busy at work, and got home safe.

Thank you Lord for this day. Amen 🙏 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Helping Others

 Jesus said that if we help others, we helped Him. And I always believe that,”it’s better to give than to receive”. I proved it true. There were times that I needed help badly, and God sent people, even those that I didn’t know, to help me.

I also believe that, if we give, it’ll go back to us a hundred folds. And just like before, it’s been proven. We may not get back the help that we gave to a certain person, but we will get it from another person, we might know them, we might not. 

Just recently, I got a message from one of my former students, I helped her before, and was asking me to help her again. St first, I hesitated,’I even got irritated, that I asked my husband, why everytime they need help, my always always comes up. And I live halfway around the globe. Why me?

Maybe because they thought I have a lot of money since I’m here in the US. But don’t they know that we have to work hard, and we’re living paycheck to paycheck. Apparently, they have no idea about our life here.

But then, I think God spoke to me, to help her, and I thought about when the time that I needed help, there were people who never hesitated. After some thoughts, plus my kind-hearted husband’s prodding. I sent her money. It’s not much, but I know it’ll help her and her husband who’s sick.

I just pray to God to give us strength and make us healthy, so we can continue to work, and be aboe to help those that are in need. 

In Jesus name. Amen 🙏 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


 In 2021, when my husband and I went to California to watch football, I got the chance to meet my former co-workers and other friends . One of my friends and kumare, Ditas, gave me a book called “Strength for Each Day”, by Joyce Meyer. It’s for daily reading, and there are excerpts from the Bible. She told me to read it everyday, so I did, up to this day.

Today, the title was “Jealousy”. And it made me think. Human has no satisfaction, they will ask for one thing, and once they got it, they’ll ask for another, and another, and another. 

At first, I thought, it was normal to be jealous. Like when I was young, I get jealous of my classmates who had new shoes,’the expensive ones. Because I wanted to get a pair too, it was because I was jealous, I got a blade and slit my new shoes, so my mother can buy me a new pair like that.

I was terrible huh, but I didn’t know better then. I still gets jealous sometimes, but I always tell myself, I shouldn’t.  Even my husband , he gets jealous of my fiends, especially those husbands that gives them what they want. But I always tell him, he doesn’t know what goes beyond closed doors. All we can see is what they posted on their social media, but it’s different in reality, most probably.

Oh well, as for me, I am just thankful to God, because I know He loves us unconditionally, and we shouldn’t be jealous, because He loves us equally. 

Monday, June 19, 2023



Today is holiday. Had an extra time to rest because I spent my 2 regular days off cleaning the closet/pantry. I had the time to rest, though I still went to store and bought some things for the house, it’s still nice to get rested.

But days went by so fast, it’s now past 8pm, here in the bedroom, and about to sleep. Will have to wake up @4am again to get ready for another week of work. Well, at least we have a short week.

Will hit the sack now. Thank you Lord for today and for the blessings that you’ve given us. Amen 🙏 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Very Busy!!!

Been so busy cleaning since yesterday. I cleaned the pantry and threw away everything that are expired. Organized and everything. While doing that, I was also doing the laundry, cleaned the house, bathrooms, and running errands.

It was exhausting , but worth it. It needed some cleaning, and had to spray since there are a lot of ants.

Now, I feel like I was beaten up. Thank God it’s holiday tomorrow. I have extra day off to relax and just chill 😀😘

Saturday, June 17, 2023


There are times that I feel I am running out of time. That I have to do what I have to do because sooner or later, my time here is up. Well, it’s just me. Been running against time. 

I don’t know, probably because I’m old now. That I have to do what I should, maybe because I don’t have much time anymore like when I was young.

Come to think of it, there are times that time is our enemy. We hen I was young, I wanted to grow fast and old, when I was in school and I have to do my homework or project, we were always given time, the deadline. 

Even at work, we have to be on time on everything, otherwise, we will get written up, in the Philippines, yes, but not much here. 

And when we get off work, we were always in a hurry to go home, to cook, to eat, to see our love ones.

And time is of the essence as they say. Time is very important in our life. It’s precious. But most of all, we should always give time to our Dear Lord. That’s the best time that we can spend. 

After our time here on earth, we will get to spend our time, in heaven, most probably with our love ones who left earlier, and most especially, with the Lord. 

Amen 🙏 

Friday, June 16, 2023


It is one among those who are thieves of happiness. I guess it’s part of our life. Can we avoid it? Maybe not. All of us experience it, it’s just how you handle it. 

We may choose to ignore it, fight it, then it’ll go. But other chooses to “babysit” it. To let it stay for a long time. Is it because they enjoy it? …lol… hell no! They just don’t know how to handle it.

I also experience anxiety, but I guess it didn’t like me. Why? Because I don’t like it either. I just want it to ruin my life. I don’t want to dwell on it, because, even if I think about it or worry about it, it won’t change. 

I’d rather deal with it, because, I believe, God won’t give it to us if there’s no solution, or we can’t handle it. Let God help you with your troubles. God won’t give us something that we can’t handle. Believe in Him, and He won’t forsake you. 

After all, tomorrow is another day. And God is our yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Amen 🙏 

Thursday, June 15, 2023


No matter what we do, there are people that we can’t please. It doesn’t matter even if you did everything for them, it’s still not enough. It won’t be enough! 

I maybe laughing, smiling most of the time, but I can also be sure if the situation calls for it. And I can be of service to anyone who needs my help. 

A lot of people mistaken me from being a pushover. They think they can do whatever they pleases. But I an also a human being, I also have feelings. And if I think that it’s too much, I will put a stop to it.

There were a lot of people who abused me, bot physically, but emotionally. Probably because I let them at first. I was just being nice I guess. But once it’s over, it’s over. 

I always do my best to please everybody, and I will do my best, especially to my love ones to make it easier for them. But most of the time, I ended up being the bad guy. Why? Probably because I learnt yo protect myself, and I say what I feel, especially if I knew that I am right. But there are people that doesn’t like me like that.

And what happens? They accused me of not liking them, or I’m being mean. They didn’t know that I am only responding to how they treated me. Reality bites. That’s how I see it. 

I know I have a good heart, and I know I always do my best to treat people right. But I want them to do the same to me. Just like how Jesus treats us, all of us are equal in the eyes of God.

I hope other people realized that, and not just blame me for something that they want me to be.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Food gives us strength, as well as sleep, exercise, and God. Yes, we need God in our life. Food, water, sleep, exercise are basics that our body need. 

We might have a lot of money to buy things that give us strength, to sustain our needs. But having faith to God is the most that we can get. To keep us alive.

Without faith, it’s like a house without lights, it’s dark. We should nourish our mind, body, and spirit with God’s words. Let’s light up our life with His words, wisdom, and knowledge. Let Jesus enter our life, after all, He is the way, the life, and the truth.

Amen 🙏 

Tuesday, June 13, 2023



Laughter is the best medicine. And it makes us look younger 😀. Also, it’s contagious, and free! Aside from I am Asian, I am also a Filipina. Filipinos as known for being happy all the time.

We laugh at everything.  We take everything lightly. Even with calamities, or tragedies, us Pinoys (as we call ourselves), are known for being “cool” …lol

I always love to laugh. Even if I have problems, I made sure that I smile, or look happy, though deep inside, I’m crying. I just don’t want others to know. I don’t want to burden others with my problems. 

Though if asked, I open up to people that I’m close with, or comfortable with. 

I guess I just don’t want to make problem out of problems. Does it make sense? It does to me. 

Laughter is free!!! Let’s practice it everyday. It wont cost you anything 😊🙄

Monday, June 12, 2023


First day of the work week. Kinda busy, though it’s a bit quiet because some of my co workers are off on this day, some called in sick, and some are on vacation. 

There are times like this because tax season is over. But my program is due every month, so I get busy most of the time, if not steady.

When I got home, I saw Sam with her new haircut. She looks so cute with a little red ball on her head. Everybody treated her like a new dog, and I guess, the little red ball made her “tough”, because she was grumpy to other dogs, especially to Mary. They tried to fight again…lol

Anyways, I’m tired now. I’ll bring the dogs out so they can do their “business” before going to bed. Then I’ll head upstairs to hit the sack 😀.

Thank you Lord for this day, for keeping all of us, and for all the blessings that we received. Amen 🙏 


Sunday, June 11, 2023


Weekend’s almost over! So fast! Tomorrow is the start of another week. Hopefully it’ll be nice and productive. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023


As usual, I woke up @ past 5am today. Took the dogs out, did the laundry, cleaned the house. At 10am, we went to see my husband’s grandson, it’s his 13th birthday. He gave him money as present, then went to Costco. Then went home.

At home, I continued my laundry, and proceeded to get my blood pressure medicine. Went to get gas, but my debit card always get declined by the gas station near here. So I had to drive farther. Good thing I didn’t have any issues with my payment.

Right now, As I’m updating this blog, I can feel that I’m so exhausted, but as soon as I lie down, it’ll be hard for me to fall asleep. 

So I ask you oh Lord  Jesus Christ, to watch over us, and keep us safe always. Amen

Friday, June 9, 2023


At last ! Weekend is here! It had been a long and dragging week! Though I only went for 4 days, it seemed like forever! 

Oh well, at least it’s here, hopefully it’ll be a nice one. I know I’ll be busy with the house chores, but that’s already a given. I just want to start early, so I can relax early. 

Have a nice weekend 😊

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Redd’s Sam’s puppy. There were three of them, but we gave away the two, and retained her. They’re all cute, but we think she’s the cutest.

She’s now almost three months old, and she gets into everything, as in everything. Not just that, but she eats a lot. Even if we give her a lot, she wants more.

Not just that, she steals Sam’s, her mom. And just like every good mom, Sam always give it to her, even if it was already in her mouth. What a good mom she is.

And tonight. My husband, Joe, was looking for his medicine, and eyedrops. He just had an eye operation two days ago. He can’t find it.

I looked everywhere, he said, he dropped it on the floor, but didn’t get it. And he knew, Redd got it. After looking everywhere, thank God I finally found it.

The bottle had a lot of punctures, and it leaks, but good thing it still has some.Redd probably didn’t like the taste, it has steroid, so she just left it in the corner.

We can’t get mad at her, because she’s so cute, and when she looked at us, she looks innocent…lol

Wednesday, June 7, 2023



Life is good, but sometimes it’s cruel. Just like what Forest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you don’t know what you’ll get.” 

Life teaches us different lessons, we just have to learn from it, and if we ever make mistakes, we can always correct it and be given another chance.

There are some instances that we can’t explain what’s happening in our life, we have no control over it. All we can do is wait, and trust God. He’s the one who knows everything. He is in control. Why?

Because He is the way, the truth, & the life! 

Amen 🙏 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Thank you Lord for Joe’s successful operation. Thank you for guiding the doctor and the nurses, and for all the nice people that helped during that time.

Thank you also Lord for making us safe, and for all the love and blessings that we received especially today.

In Jesus name! Amen 🙏 

Monday, June 5, 2023


Tomorrow’s Joe’s eye surgery. I am praying for the Lord to guide the doctor who will operate on him, and for it to be a successful one. and may he recover fast afterwards. 
This I ask in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen 🙏 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Weekdays! Already? 🙄

Weekend went by so fast. And tomorrow is the start of a long weekdays of work. I have to sleep now, because I will have to wake up at 4am….

Goodnight 💤 

Saturday, June 3, 2023

New Car

 Got my new car today, it’s awd kia sportage. I traded the older one, though it’s not really old, It was 2022, with less than 40k miles. But since I drive 5 days a week for a total of 2 hours a day, I need a new car.

Thank you Lord for this blessing. You made this happen. Thank you for your love and for always providing for us. 

🙏 🙏🙏

Friday, June 2, 2023

Weekend at Last!!!

 We have short week, but it seemed like weekend comes like forever ! But finally, it’s here!!! 

Thank God it’s Friday! And it’s the weekend!!! Though I still have to get up early so I can do my chores and finish early, I don’t have to drive an hour to go to work.

Thank you for this day Lord, and thank you for keeping us safe. Please watch upon us and keep us safe at all times, likewise my son, and my family in the Philippines.

This I ask in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Thank you

 Thank you Lord for this day. For all the blessings and guidance that you have given us. Thank you also for keeping is safe. For the love of my family, and for also keeping my husband and son safe, as well my siblings and all my love ones in the Philippines.

Protect us at all times Oh Lord, and as we lay to sleep, let your Holy Spirit be upon us. 

This I ask in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏 

Sammy 🐶 ❤️

It was just March of this year when Sam gave birth to three beautiful puppies. We kept the youngest, Redd, I gave the other girl to my co-wo...