Wednesday, August 30, 2023

❤️Appreciation ❤️

 We had a get together today. They cooked us hamburger and hotdogs. There were a lot of food. There were salsa, guac, and queso contest. I made more than half a gallon salsa, that was entry to the contest. 

I’m not sure who won, but it was fun. We were able to get away from our cubicle, and was able to breathe the outside air. 

We need this kind of atmosphere once in a while, in order to relax and get out 😊. 

Monday, August 28, 2023

Streaming TV

 Today, we decided to ditch directtv and join others and subscribed to youtubetv. Aside from satellite tv like dtv is too expensive, and we are subscribed to the most expensive package, so we never got to watch all those channels.

Out of all channels, the local channels that Joe watches most of the time are gone. They have a dispute with I think the owner of that network, hence, gone! 

Youtube also has all those channels, and a lot cheaper. I just had to download their app, and we’re hooked. No dish, no boxes or anything. Just the app, and we are able to watch our favorite shows. 

And that my friends, is the power of the internet, the evolution of high technology. Amazing indeedb 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Send πŸ’΅ πŸ’΅πŸ’΅

Our vacation is getting near . And little by little, I have started buying things to bring there. I think it’s been completed. Even the money for our get together, I already sent it. 

I’m excited. I will be with my hubby this time, he needs this. This is a must needed vacation. It will be his third visit, his last visit was in 2008, it’s been fifteen years, six years for me. 

This time it will be different. It will be a sort of reunion, aside from my siblings, my cousins from my mother’s 2 sisters, and their family will be joining us. 

I wish my son will go with us too. But he has work, and he will be looking after our house and pets. Also, he has work. Likewise with my niece who’s in China. 

I hope one day, they’ll be able to join too 😊.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


My usual routing every weekend is to clean the house. But unlike the usual, I didn’t start right away. My husband got up earlier, and lo and behold! I stayed in bed until almost 7pm. Yes, that’s odd. I usually get up before him, and as early as six.

But still, I was able to finish all my chores. Was supposed to finish early like the usual, but I am happy that I can just relax tomorrow 😊.

My eyes are bugging me, and my headache. I need to see an eye specialist ASAP. 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Sisters 😘

Brought Redd @ work today, she had her last shot of vaccine, and she won’t be back until next year. She was able to meet her older sister, Gidget. They look alike, and both cute. They really look like their mom, except for the color. 

It was nice seeing Gidget again, together with Redd. And it will be nicer if their brother, Cilantro, will be with them too πŸ˜ƒπŸ₯°. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023



Life is a drama! We see this mostly in movies, on television, and of course, in real life.  It happens everywhere, and to any person. In dramas, there are lead roles, and supporting roles. There are heroes, and there are villains. 

In family, dramas are rampant. There are times that because of this, there are relatives who don’t talk to each other anymore. Well, of course, comedies happen too, and that’s much better 😁.

In movies or series, my favorite is comedy, I also like dramas, but if it’s heavy, I don’t like it. I always want to smile and laugh, that’s because I don’t like to be serious most of the time. Smiling is contagious and free, and it’ll make us look younger.

So, whenever you feel down and seemed like the world is on your shoulder, just remember all the good thins that happened in your life, the people that cares for you, and God that loves us unconditionally. And you will feel better 😘 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

First Aid

I attended this training yesterday. It was fun and educational. I attended the same training before but that was ages ago, and from Red Cross. 

It is really necessary to learn how to administer first aid in case of emergency and there’s no doctor or nurse around. Though rescuing somebody can be that tiring. I am talking about CPR, to revive or rescue somebody, you need to perform the 5 cycles, and 10 breaths total. 

I can’t imagine how exhausted I can be, but during emergencies, our adrenaline kicks in, so it’ll probably ok, especially me…lol

Anyways, I just hope I won’t be encounter such emergencies where I am by myself and no choice but to do it myself, but if there is, I won’t hesitate to help πŸ˜‰.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Doctor’s Visit

I didn’t go to work today, had a doctor’s appointment. And when the nurse checked my blood pressure, it was very high. It went down a little after a while, thank God. 

The doctor gave me another low dosage oill for my blood pressure. I like my provider, he always has xplaines everything to me, and answered all my questions patiently.

They’re all nice there, I got to meet two fellow pinays, they’re both nice too. We talked like we’ve know each other for a long time…lol. 

I will soon visit either an optician or ophthalmologist to check on my eyes. I hope it’s not glaucoma πŸ™

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Weird People

I’ve already met too many of those. But today, I found out that somebody posted our complete address on the neighborhood app. I was surprised, no! More like angry! 

Just because they can’t win an argument with my husband, they took their sweet time to google Jo’s name and found our address, and posted it in the app. Wth! 

That made me so mad! What do they think? And the result? We were vandalized and got threatened, thanks to this person.

Now it’s payback time, she’s been reported. And we will see who has the last laugh. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

House works


I wasn’t gonna do anything today, becaJoe got up before me. I usually get up before him, but he beat me to it. So I said , I’ll just chill the whole day, and will do the chores tomorrow.

But lo and behold! I did more than I usually does. How did it happened? I also don’t know. When I got up, I prepared the ingredients for the cheese rolls that I planned to make. So I did it. Then I was just sitting down and watching my Kdrama, when I thought about the pool that I bought for my dogs. 

It took time to fill it with water, and when it was time to swim, they were nowhere to be found…lol. I put Redd there, but she didn’t like it, she tried to jump, so I ended up giving her a bath there. The others didn’t want to go.

That’s when I ended up giving all 7 of them a bath, but in the bath tub upstairs. I also vacuumed the living room, and mopped the kitchen floor.

The only good thing was I didn’t cook for dinner. We drove and got a hamburger instead. Then I finished my laundry. Boy! I am so happy exhausted!

But glad I finished everything. I only have to do mani and pedi myself tomorrow πŸ˜ƒ.

Thank God for giving me a lot of energy to do everything here at home and at work. You’re so amazing Oh God πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Choosing friends

My friend gifted me Joyce Meyer’s book. And I made it a habit to read it every night.  Last night was about choosing our friends. 

For me, I can easily make friends, though I know, friends come and go. I made a lot of friends while I was in elementary, high school, college, and even when I started working. It doesn’t matter where we are, we can always make friends.

But, there are those that we think our friends, but as time goes by, either they just disappear or lost contact with, had a fall out, passed away, or just simply lost interest.

I met people that are users too, or those who invest their time, but for their own gain. 

Others don’t value friendship. But I do. And it hurts me if I lose them, but only to those who deserved it. Those that don’t? I really don’t care. 

As I aged, I only value those who are true and care about the friendship that I offer. For those who don’t? Dedma πŸ˜›

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Excel Training

 We had another training today, but in a different building. It was better since we had to use a computer, a hands-on. We were back to basic. Though at first, there were problems with other computers, but we were able to use it eventually.

The problem with me are my eyes, I can’t see what’s on the monitor, even with eyeglasses, and it makes me scared. I don’t want to go blind. 

On Monday, I will see my provider, and hopefully he can refer me to Ophthalmologist, and I can can a schedule soon. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


I started writing here Christmas of last year, since then, I think, I only skipped two or three times. I made it a point to write here everyday, but sometimes, I can’t think of something or topic to write about. 

And there are times too that even me couldn’t understand what I wrote…lol. Just for the sake of writing and not skipping. Sometimes, I don’t feel like it. I am not the same as before. 

I love reading & writing. I used to read and write a lot, especially before these gadgets. I dreamt of writing a book and published it, but it didn’t happen. My brain now is slower, and my memories not as photographic as before. 

My vision now is blurry, there are times that it was hard for me to see, even with eyeglasses. I hope I won’t get blind 😞.

But I still love to read, and that’s why I keep writing. Oh, and there’s another thing that I’d like to do, to talk….lol 😁

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Managing Stress

Let’s face it. Stress is already a part of our life, whether we like it or not, whether we admit it or not. It’s a part of our daily life. But how to manage it? How to live without being bothered by stress? It’s hard. We can’t just shake it off.

But since it’s a part of our life, we should learn how to live with it without being stressed out…lol…but come to think of it, do you think it will disappear if we think about it the whole day? Or being mad will solve everything? 

As for me, I tried not to be stressed out, I tried not to be affected. I know it’s impossible, I just always think that God will not give it to me, or He will not put me in a situation without a possible solution.

I always pray and ask His guidance, to teach me how to solve my problem, that gives me stress. He always has an answer to everything, we should just put our trust to Him, and let Him do His thing. 

It’s been proven. God listens to our prayers, it might take time, or it might not be the answer that we wanted, but give Him time, in His time, it will happen, more than what we prayed for. 

Lift everything to Him, He won’t forsake us. Amen πŸ™ 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Manic Monday

 Not much to say. Work was boring, though I got busy after our first break. Because I did somebody else’s work…lol

Thank God the drive going home went smooth. It wasn’t raining, nor windy,  unlike when I was driving going to work this morning, and very windy. 

Thank God for all the blessings that we received today, and for being safe. In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Sunday, August 13, 2023


I feel so tired from not getting enough sleep. But still, I was able to make Siopao. This is kind of our snack in the Philippines. It has filling inside. I made Asado filling, and since I had some left over dough, and a can of sweetened red beans paste, I also made Siopao-Munggo.

I remember when I was in high school, there were stores in front of our school, and I used to buy the siopao with munggo filling. It was my favorite. 

And I also used to save some change from my allowance, I was saving it so I can buy my mother “Adobong Mani”. It was her favorite, or cornick with spicy vinegar. 

Life was simple then, there were no cellphones, computers, nor internet. The only habit that I developed then was renting comics…lol . Reading komiks was addicting. I remember, I had a classmate, her name’s Marcelina, she invited us to her their house, and they had a lot of komiks, I borrowed it, and my eyes feasted on them…lol

Simple life, simple food. I can always be happy with those, and the memories it brings. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

Don’t be Rude!

Today was rough. It was boring at first since we were so slow! We had no work, not until after our first break. My two co-workers and I were talking, they went in my cubicle, then the janitor got there, and acted rude! 

Since he already harassed me before, and he gives me anxiety every time I see him, my friend tried to help and gave him my trash can. She knew that I don’t want to see him. But that made him mad and told her that he’ll get it himself, and that she’s always rude to him. 

We were surprised how he treated us and he’s always disrespectful. I requested before that I don’t want to see him there. He’s assigned on the 2nd floor, but since our regular janitor called in, he was asked to clean our floor. That made him mad, and he took it on us.

He got mad at my friend because he wanted to get my trash can himself, so he can torment me. I think it made him happy to see that I get scared.  He always glare at ne whenever I see him outside.

I already complained about him before when he harassed me, but they didn’t take no action. And they even continue to send him on our floor. That’s probably why he thinks that he can bully and harass us because nobody told him off.

Well, today, our supervisor told all of us to write an incident report. She sent all of our report to the manager , and the manager told us that he will be reprimanded for his disrespectful behavior, and he’s not allowed to go to our flor anymore. 

People like that shouldn’t be allowed to work with others. Also, we shouldn’t feel threatened, nor feel unsafe in our workplace. Nobody deserve to be treated that way. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thankful & Grateful

I’ve seen a lot of people struggling in life, so did we. We experienced a lot of hardships, but we know that life isn’t always like that. When we fall, we need to get back up. Life consist a lot of trials, hardships, and sacrifices. But there are a lot of laughters, good memories.

We can always turn negative into positive if we have a good outlook in life. If what we prayed and hoped for didn’t turn out right, don’t give up. We might think that God didn’t answer our prayers, but He really did. It’s just that, He's preparing for something better.

I am always grateful and thankful to God, for all the blessings the He gave us, and still giving us, I am also thankful for all the people in my life. And for all the lessons in life. 

God is good all the time! All the time, God is good. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Busy day?

We were so busy last week and the past two days. People started sending their  tax payments and returns before the due date.

I like working and being busy. It makes the time go by so fast. I enjoy it. But it stated to slow down again πŸ˜”.

Yesterday when I was driving home, it started to sprinkle, then it was raining. Then it was pouring. The road seemed like there were snow, and I can’t see. 

But when I was just two exits away, the rain stopped, oh, it didn’t stop, it turned out that it didn’t rain there. Bu the time I reached home, my car was already dry πŸ™„ 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

How do you handle criticism?

 Nowadays, we can easily be judged and criticized, even people that we don’t know personally, even those that we never met in our entire life. With just one click on the keyboard, it’s over!

They say we should welcome criticism, shake off the negative, and learn from it, and continue with the good one. 

I just read the book of Joyce Meyer, I read it every night. Today’s reading is about rejection and criticism, and this where I got this topic. 

In the Bible, when Jesus and His disciples got rejected and criticized, He advised them to just shake it off. And that’s true. It is better to keep quiet and keep moving forward.

It’s a waste to get angry over something. It’s just a waste of time and energy. Each one of us are entitled to our own opinion.  

Always think about what happened to Jesus. He was ridiculed, mocked and criticized, but He just ignored them. Even when they crucified Him. He even asked to God the Father to forgive them for they don’t know what they’re doing. 

Father, I pray that I may be able to forgive those who hurt and did me wrong. Because I know, forgiveness is God’s will for us. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Cooking πŸ₯˜

 I usually eat dinner between 6/-6:30, but today, I ate late, it was already past 7. I cooked chicken-pork adobo. But I had to boil the pork belly first, to get rid of the scums. Then, I placed it in the pressure cooker for 35mins. 

Had to cook it again because I had to add the chicken, then fried  them, and finally, I was able to eat. It was yummy πŸ˜‹.

Am just relaxing now, will be hitting the sack soon.

Thank you Lord for today, and for our safety, and for all the blessings that we received. Amen πŸ™ 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Cooking πŸ₯˜

It’s Sunday. Though I got dizzy, I was able to prep and cooked chicken noodles soup, and made empanada. Yes, that’s me 😊. Whenever I crave on something, I gathered my strength and went to the kitchen, and cooked.

Even I was surprised at myself. Cooking wasn’t really my thing, not even cleaning, if ever I heard house chores before, I just ignored it. That was then, when I was young and still in the Philippines.

Emigrating from the Philippines, and migrating here in the US taught a lot of things. To rely on myself, and taught me how to cook, and clean the house. Now I can proudly say, I’m an expert 😁. 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Knocked Out!

I knew I was so tired yesterday, probably because I only jad a fee hours of sleep, again! Yes, again. I never had plenty of sleep for years. And last night wasn’t new to me.

What was new was, I was totally out like a light. I didn’t even het the chance to get my ipad and watch Netflix. I was able to wrote something here, but only a few words. I was surprised, I had the sentences right. 

But not my reply to our gc. I was replying to my sister’s screenshot, but didn’t get a chance to send it. Only this afternoon that I was able to. And they laughed at me. 

Why? Because even I can’t read it. They're were garbled words. I remember typing but stopped and I guess, I just fell asleep. I was just it didn’t happen when I was driving. Otherwise, I am in a big trouble. 

Thank you Lord for always keeping us safe, and for all the blessings that you have given us. Amen πŸ™ 

Redd πŸΆπŸ’•

 Redd is my four-month old ShihPoo. I brought her to work today. She had vaccine sched, and since it’s cheaper in Santa Fe, that’s where I had her scheduled.

It was her 2nd visit, the first was 3weeks ago..

Lol, I stopped in mod sentence because I was really tired last night that I fell asleep 😴 πŸ˜ƒ

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Called-In Today

Joe had a dentist appointment today. Had to drive him to and fro. Had to because he took a medicine that prevented him from driving. I stayed for four hours in the clinic, waiting for him.

Tomorrow is Friday, thank God. Can’t wait for my days off. I’m so tired. I woke up almost the same hour when I go to work. 

Will have to go upstairs now. Thank you Lord for today, and thank you for our safety, and for all the blessings that we received. In Jesus’ name. Amen πŸ™ 

Wednesday, August 2, 2023


Nothing much to say today except that we were so busy at work, and I’m so tired and sleepy. 

Good night πŸ’€ 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord for all the graces that we received today. You, God are the greatest. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Sammy 🐢 ❤️

It was just March of this year when Sam gave birth to three beautiful puppies. We kept the youngest, Redd, I gave the other girl to my co-wo...