Sunday, April 30, 2023

Spring Rolls

 I got a text from my son the other day, asking me if i can make him spring rolls. Since I’ve ran out if it, and I just bought new wrappers, I didn’t hesitate.

I was able to make 42 pcs, plus I also made cheese and jalapeΓ±o sticks, they’re also wrapped in spring roll wrappers. 

I also made chicken, and pork belly adobo, my dinner tonight. After making all of those, I packed 22 pcs of spring rolls for my son and the rest are for myself, and some cheese and jalapeño sticks. But he wanted more of spring rolls, so I ended up giving all of those to him 😘🀨🀭

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Still Not Feeling Good

Well, it’s been a week, I already got my voice back, but now I’m coughing excessively especially at night. I can’t get to shake this off. Even my husband got it. Now, it seemed like there’s a contest here in our house, coughing.

My throat started to get sore again, we already bought all the cough drops, and syrup, but still no avail. I just wish this will stop now and we’ll both get healed.

Friday, April 28, 2023

Gratitude Instead of Complaining

Isn’t it nice to always give thanks to God rather than complaining? Our God is a very generous God, we alway receive from Him, and we must always be grateful.

There are times that we didn’t get what we asked or prayed for, that doesn’t mean God didn’t answer our prayers, it only means that it’s not time yet, or He has something better for us. 

Don’t get mad or blame God or other people, there are reasons, why we don’t get what we want. Just like they said, even the falling of a leaf has a reason. 

But there are times too that once we get to what we desired, we forgot to thank God. We will remember Him again when weyin trouble or in times of need.

We should always bear in mind, good or bad, whether we get the answer to our prayers, we should always offer and give thanks to the Lord.

Amen πŸ™ 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Thoughts and Words

There’s a part of our brain that sends signal to our body to do something. So, before we speak the words, we thought about it first. But how come there are words that they said, that should’ve been thought fist before it’s been spoken?

I think what it meant was, we should think about it a lot of times, before we utter it, especially if that will hurt another person. They said our tongue no bone, but it’s as sharp as a knife. And that’s completely true.

When I’m mad, I choose to be silent. I’d rather not talk, I need to cool down first. Because, I don’t want to say something that will hurt somebody. When we’re angry, we don’t think right. That’s why I’m always careful what to say. I don’t cuss either nor call names, nor throw things. I just keep quiet, I don’t want to talk. I just want to be given a moment. 

After just a while, I’ll be ok. It won’t help to say bad things then when the anger subsided, you’ll regret what you said. But it’s too late.the words has been spoken, you already hurt the feelings of the other party, and even if we apologize, the damage has been done. So, just remember, when you get mad, take a deep breath and maybe counting from 1-10 will help. Just like in the internet world, think first, before you click πŸ˜‰.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 I’m still not πŸ’― % ok. My cough’s been bothering me, especially ar night. That’s when I cough non-stop. I bought and tried everything to make it go away, but it’s still here. 

I called in sick again today, but tomorrow, i will have to go back to work. I can’t just stay at home and do nothing. Though O did nothing, just to rest. If they will send me home tomorrow, that’ll be fine. 

I’m not that used of staying at home even if I’m sick. But I really hope and pray that this coughing will go away πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Monday, April 24, 2023

Guilt Trip


I really don’t like people who make you feel guilty. Those thay you know they did you wrong but they’re good in twisting the story, and in the end, you’re the guilty one.

I maybe strong when you look at me, but I can always feel guilty if I knew that I made somebody feel bad. I always make joke, but if that joke made somebody mad or hurt, I always offer my apology, even  after that, it made me feel guilty.

But what I don’t like is that, in an argument, you know you were in the right, but the other person is good in turning the table, and will make you think that it was your fault in the firt place. 

That’s another term for gaslighting. I don’t like it. Period.!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Your Fault!

 People make mistakes, we’re human. Others don’t own up to their mistakes, do you think it’s ok? Of course no! We should always admit that we’re wrong, there’s nothing wrong with that.

But blaming others? Pointing fingers at other people when you know that you were also a part of it? That’s totally a big mistake! 

There are other people that are good in blaming others, maybe for them to feel better. Would it really make them feel better? It takes two to tango especially with two people. We can’t just blame other people, we know that there are two sides of the story. 

When I made mistakes, especially at work, I always own up to it. I never blamed other people. When I know I did it, I always say sorry and will not do it again.

There are times that I don’t say sorry, why? Because I know, I didn’t do it. And when I say sorry, I meant it. There are people that can easily say sorry but doing the same mistakes over and over again.

So when you make mistakes, own it. Say sorry, and make sure you mean it.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sore throat P.II

This is just a follow up from my post yesterday. Yes, I still have sore throat, and Joe told me that it’s worst than yesterday. I still have hoarse voice, I can’t talk, that’s why I just had to text my husband when I want to say something, or to reply to him of he ask me something.

Thank God it’s the weekend, hopefully, my voice will be back come Monday. I don’t want to call in sick. And we’re so busy.

I don’t have fever nor my body’s aching. I don’t even understand why I have this. All I know is that, my co-worker was having the same, and before I knew it, I have it.

I’m still thankful to God that I don’t have covid, nor I’m sick, it’s just it’s hard when you can talk. Joe made a joke out of this, he told me that he likes it, because I can’t nag him….lol..

Anyways, I hope tomorrow will be better, it’s another day anyway πŸ˜‰.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Sore throat

 Last night, I felt like I will have sore throat, and true enough, I have it. I was ok this morning. In fact, I was able to talk to my sisters on messenger, like we used to do everyday, on the weekends. 

It was I think after our first break at work, @ 10am, when I noticed that I started to lose my voice, and it got worse as day went by. By the time I was off, they can barely hear me, my voice is hoarse.

Driving home along the freeway, I fell so sleepy, I tried so hard to fight it. ‘Twas the first time it happened to me. I was praying so hard not to fall asleep. And thank God, I was able to reach home safe and sound. 

I just hope I’ll feel better soon, I don’t like this feeling, I don’t like being sick. 

Please God heal me. In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Thursday, April 20, 2023


My age slowed me down. I can’t move fast as I used to. I tried to exercise every morning, I tried to move fast, but I can’t. And I can only do it for 5 minutes, after that, I’m out of breath.

It’s also because of my thyroid problem. It makes me real tired, my heart beats fast, and most of the time, I can’t breathe. 

And now my eyes are bothering me. Both eyes has floaters. It bothers me especially when I’m driving. I tried my best not to blow my nose so hard. I know that caused the floaters. 

It’s sucks to be old. Though I’m thankful, because there are people that never got the chance to grow old. Thank God I’m still alive as well as my love ones. 

I’m grateful and thankful to our dear Lord πŸ™.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 I skipped writing blog yesterday. I didn’t feel like it. My mind wasn’t working properly that I can’t think of anything. Probably because we were so busy at work and when I got home, I had to take the dogs out, clean up the kitchen, take a shower, then eat my dinner.

By the time I finished ,it was time for bed. But today, I tried to write an entry, still lazy, but I have to try at least. We’re still busy at work, I did a lot. Yesterday was the last day of filing the income tax return, but a lot of people waited until the last minute.

We have overtime on Saturday, but I declined. I’m already working and driving 5 days a week, I don’t want to add an extra working day. Weekend to me is precious, 2 days off are not enough. I’m glad my supervisor understood.

Well, it’s almost 8pm, I will take the dogs out now and head upstairs, it’s bed time for me 😊.

Monday, April 17, 2023


 Why do weekend went by so fast? It should be 4 days a week, and just 3 days of work…lol.. it’s so short. Had to get up at four am again today. Drive an hour to work, and an hour going home.

But I’m not complaining, I’m used of waking up very early in the morning eversince i was young. And I like my job. In fact, today, my supervisor told me that the proposed increase the she submitted to HR has been approved, yay!!! 😁

I finally found the right job for me, it’s not hard, and I like the people I’m working with. 

So, not complaining here 🀣

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Backyard Barbecue

 Yay!!! Thank God for a beautiful Sunday, we got to use our newly-bought barbecue grill!!! 

I marinated pork belly and got it ready for a barbecue party. Then I went to the store and bought pork ribs. Joe cooked the ribs and I, the kebabs. 

It turned out pretty good and tasty. We still have some leftovers, that’ll be my lunch tomorrow 😁. 

When I took the kebabs outside today, I forgot what I did, but I put it doen on the table, and when I looked, one of my dogs, it was Mary, got a hold of one of the meat. It was still raw, so I went and took it from her.

Good thing she just started chewing it. They never ate raw food, especially meat. I don’t want them to get sick or anything, nor I want them to get used to it.

Aside from that, everything went well today. Thank God for a very nice weather, and for all the blessings that we received today πŸ™.

Saturday, April 15, 2023


Two weekends ago, we decided to look for a barbecue place. Luckily, we found one that’s near us. At first we decided to drive an hour just to go to a certain place that we knew, sell pretty tasty bbq.

We decided to check if there’s one that is near here, and sure enough, we found it. Joe ordered online, and we picked it up.

We didn’t have barbecue grill, we threw away the  one that we got from our former home, and we never bought since. Today, we decided to buy one. We could’ve bought last week, but when we drove by the store, it was closed. We forgot that it was Easter Sunday.

So today, we finally got one. We’re happy, (especially me), that we didn’t have to assemble it, they sell those that’s been assembled. 

The only thing is that, today was too windy. It’s not a good time, we decided to just do it tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. 

I took out the pork belly, I’m planning to marinate in the morning, so we can have kebabs 😁❤️.

Friday, April 14, 2023


They’re almost 4-week old now, and as days go by, they’re getting so cute!!! They can see now, and they started playing. The red one growls and barks now…lol

I want to keep all of them if given a chance, but I get to tired from cleaning after them especially when I come home from work, too tired from a long drive, and from being busy work. Then when I go home, have to clean their mess, mop the floor, and sometimes, cook dinner.

If only we don’t have 7 pets, but we do, and I don’t want to add more. Also, my son will have a fit…lol… not that he have a say or can tell me what to do, but still, it’s a lot of work, and we can’t go somewhere because nobody will look after them.

It’s still a problem who will take care after them in September when we live for a vacay in the Philippines m. That’ll be for 2 weeks. My son has work, and Joe’s grandson as well.

But I know, before we leave, we’ll find someone. 

Back to the puppies, I really wish, but it is what it is….

Thursday, April 13, 2023


 Do you have patience? Or you get irritated easily? I used to be patient. It always take a while before I get irritated or mad. But as I age, I noticed that I easily get mad. 

There are times that I get impatient for small things. I don’t like it, but I can’t help it. 

I remember when I was young, I was very patient. It’ll take me a while to get mad at something or to anybody. But not anymore. 

Sometimes I can control it, but I can’t especially when I tired, which most of the time, I am.

Anyway, I pray to God to give me enough patient, to guide me and strengthen my faith in Him, because I know that, if I will always think of His love for me, for us, that’s enough reason, for me to be patient, not just to what I pray for, but to those whom I love, being surrounded with. 

In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Time out

I didn’t write anything yesterday, there are times that I didn’t have strength nor anything in mind. Just like yesterday, my mind wasn’t working properly. I was distracted by the floater and light flashed in my right eye.

It bugged me, but just like the ringing in my ear, I will get used to it eventually. I don’t want to focus and get stressed out to things that I don’t have control of.

I just want to enjoy my life. Life is too short, i know we can’t avoid problems nor stress, but, I don’t want to make problems out of problems either. 

The world has changed, a lot. Things are different now, so as people. That only proves that change is the only constant in this world. 

And since changes is part of our life, I’d rather not worry about the things that I cannot change the way I want it to be, but, accept it, and leave it to God πŸ™.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Eye Floaters

I noticed today when I was driving on my way home that I have eye floaters, this just happened today. And tonight, aside from that, I can see light flashes on the right side of my right eye. 

Not sure what this is but this is annoying and alarming at the same time. This is the first time. When I looked up the causes, it said that age is one factor, then diabetes which I don’t have, high blood pressure, not sure about this because I religiously take my meds. 

I can only think of one thing that causes this, my constant blowing of my nose. I think I have rhinitis, I said “ I think because that’s how i feel. The specialist that I’ve seen before didn’t even bother to examine me, he just said that nothing’s wrong with my nose. 

The constant blowing of the nose probably put pressure in my eyes, hence, the floaters and light flashes. I just hope I am ok. 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter

 After the sacrifices, crucified, and died on the cross, Jesus jas Risen! And that was the first Easter. 

Though I wasn’t able to go to church today, I still didn’t forget to thank God for sending His only son to redeem us from sins. And we shouldn’t forget this.

We always remember Him during Holy Week, and Christmas. After that, we’re back from our normal selves. Isn’t it nice to remember Him everyday?

Like, the moment we open our eyes in the morning, and before we close them at night. We should always be thankful for all the blessings that we were given and will receive.

I know, who am I to say this. I’m not that religious and I know that I have my own share of mistakes and most of the time, I don’t listen to Him. But I want to be close to Him.

I want Jesus to be part of my life, I want to face Him when my time comes, and tell Him, that I lives for Him. And I hope, He’ll forgive me and will accept me in His Kingdom. When? I don’t know. In His time.

Happy Easter 🐣 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Black Saturday

Not sure if today is still called”Black Saturday”. But I grew up knowing this. The reason being, from my own perspective, is because, Jesus is still dead. And everyone was mouring that time when He died on the cross.

God sacrificed His own so so we coukd be free from sins. Let us not waste it. 

I have just saw this quotation, “the world is filled with good people, if you can’t find one, be one.” Isn’t it nice? We might not see one, or probably, we missed it, but let us be a good ezample, to create a better workd. 

Friday, April 7, 2023

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, the day when our Brother Jesus Christ was crucified and died on the cross. Yearly, we celebrate this, Christianity’s all over the world, and I am one of those who believe in Jesus Christ. 

I often hear this, “Why did God send His only son, made Him suffer, ridiculed, and then got killed.” They also asked, “If there really is God, why did He send His only son to save the world?”

Because love us so much that He even sacrificed His only son, just to save the whole world, to save us. That’s how He truly loves us. He didn’t want to destroy the world because of our sins. 

We shouldn’t forget the reason why He died on the cross. We should always remember it, not just Holy Week, but everyday. We should always listen when God is talking to us. We should take time out, and remember the words of God. The sacrifices of Jesus. 

Everytime we complain, everytime we think that everybody’s against us, everytime that we tell ourselves we’re nothing, that we’re worthless, think of God, think of Jesus Christ. He didn’t die on the cross for nothing. He suffered and died on the cross because He knew, that we are worth it. Every drop of blood, every ounce of tears that He shed, was because, He wants us to remember m, that in God’s eyes, we are His precious children. 

Don’t ever forget, God loves us ❤️πŸ™

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Maundy Thursday

It’s Holy Week. Time to reflect, time to repent. I remember when I was young, we always observed this season. No schools, no tv shows, all you can here are those people who read or sang the “Pabasa”, it’s about the Passion of Christ”. 

My paternal grandmother used to bring us to her relative in “Balut, Tondo”. They have the traditional Pabasa, I also saw those people who carry cross like Jesus Christ, then got “crucified” afterwards. They were doing that every year, to repent for their sins.

It was fun then, people really observe this special season. You can barely see vehicles. And since most people are on vacation, those people who love in the province were going home to spend the Holy Week with their families. 

It was really solemn because there were no cellphones yet. Unlike nowadays, they still observe this in the Philippines, but completely different from before. Now, you’ll see everybody holding their cellphones, and a lot of people are at work, although there are still some companies who take time out during this time, there are a lot though that goes to work.

I wish I’m in the Philippines to observe the tradition that I grew up with. Maybe someday….

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


When I was young, especially when I was in school, I used to have a sharp memory, or shall I say, I used to have a photographic memory. I will just scan something, and I already remember it.

It was easy for me to memorize, that was then. Now, sometimes I still have it, especially if I won’t force myself to remember something. It’ll come naturally. But if I’ll tell myself to remember, that’s the time that I always forget.

Little things like, if I’m leaving, I’ll go out, but come right back, because I forgot my car key, or will go to the store, wrote down the list of what I’m gonna buy, but when I go home, I forgot to buy this and that. 

But still, I’m grateful that my mind is not that bad, it’s still sharp, but not as when I was young. Out brain grows old too. I just wish I won’t get Alzheimer’s, because I want to grow older, and remember all the people that I met, and all my love ones. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

3 Cute Puppies

At exactly two weeks, I noticed that Sammy’s three cute puppies’ eyes are now half-opened. They’re so cute. 

I’m just worried because soon, they will be walking and running, they’ll be all over the place, as well as their poop…lol. I wish I can keep them, but I can’t. We already have a lot, and they’re a lot of work too.

I will just give them to people that I know will really take good care of them. They’re adorable. 

Palm Sunday

I know, today is Monday and not Sunday. I missed it yesterday. And this week is Holy Week. 

I remember back then when Holy Week is really Holy. No schools, no transportation, no shows on tv, if there was, it was everything about Jesus. And from Maundy Thursday to Black Saturday, everybody’s quiet.

All we heard was the singing of old people about the Passion of Christ. And when Easter Sunday comes, everybody will go to church, kids were egg hunting. Jesus has Risen so everybody’s celebrating. 

I miss those days. When everybody in our neighborhood weee still alive, including my mother. They were the ones who were very busy. Our life then was simple but happy. 

The celebration of Easter then was meaningful. Not anymore, especially here in the US, at least in the Philippines, a lot of them there still celebrates, here, there are some, but not majority. 

Anyway, as long as we have Jesus in our life, who can be against us? 

God is alive! 

Sunday, April 2, 2023


It’s Sunday, that only means one thing, tomorrow is Monday, and back to work!!! Oh no!!! Days really go by so fast. I feel so tired everyday. I can feel that it’s getting the best of me. 

Most of the time, I am out of breath, or I can’t breathe. Maybe I’m old, or am I dying? I don’t want to think about that. I just want to live and enjoy my daily life. I know I’m still too young to die. 

But then, if that’s what God’s plan, who am i to resit right? We’re only passersby here on Earth. God created this, and so are we. If it’s our time to go, it is time to go. No one can resist that. 

Everyday is a new beginning, every day when we wakes up, it’s truly a blessing. That only means, we still have a mission. We have to enjoy life to the fullest, for tomorrow might not come.

And if ever tonight’s my last night, I am thankful that He gave me my parents, siblings, my son and husband, and all my love ones. Whatever i did wrong, whoever I hurt, I am sorry. Thank you Lord for this life and the people that surround and live me for what I am. 

I love you all ❤️

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Chicken and Pork Ribs Barbecue

Wow! Sounds good huh! Those what I craved for today. So we looked up if there’s one that’s near our place, and yes, there’s one. 

I suddenly craved for chicken bbq., it’s been a while since I had some. I don’t like the roasted that they sell in the stores. It just smells good when you’re walking near it, but it’s not appetizing when you eat it.

I remembered in the Philippines, you can find barbecue stand in every corner, and they really smells good. So when my husband and I were thinking about what to eat for dinner, and since it’s been a while since we both eat chicken bbq, we decided to drive a long way. 

Fortunately, there’s one nearby, it’s Rudy’s barbecue. He ordered online, paid for it, and off we went to pick it up. They were cheap compared to eating to fastfood. 

They were good, their sauce did it. Cravings satisfied. But if i were to compare to the chicken and pork barbecue in the Philippines, this doesn’t compare. I’ll still choose the Mang Inasal, or Andok’s. They’re juicy and tasty even without the sauce.

In a few months, i will be tasting those again, we’ll be there for two weeks, and I’m hoping against hope, that I will be eating my favorite pinoy foods, including chicken barbecue πŸ˜‰ ❤️.

Sammy 🐢 ❤️

It was just March of this year when Sam gave birth to three beautiful puppies. We kept the youngest, Redd, I gave the other girl to my co-wo...