Wednesday, May 31, 2023


 Who doesn’t like/love gossip? I guess everybody, including me. But I only to a certain extent. Not to harm people. But with others, it’s already a part of their life. I guess they can’t live without it. That’s the sad reality 😞.

Today, I was a victim of gossip. I guess that was before but I only learned about it today. At first I will just let it go, but I can’t. Because first, I want to clear my name, second, I want them to know that it’s not right. And last, it’s to shut them up!

I don’t like negativity, I will listen to it at first, but  I don’t want to hear it over and over and over again.

So, I had to confront the person who spread the gossip about me. The thing with those kind of people, they had the guts to say something, but once confronted, they make up excuses, and kept mum about it.

Oh well, too bad for them. If they only ask me upfront, I will tell them, not talk behind me. When confronted, she  said she thought she was right. Hello, if you’re not sure, just keep quiet, less talk, less mistake. 

The people who spread false information didn’t realize that they hurt the people that are involve. As for me, if I don’t know, I’ll shut up, that’s the best thing that one can do.

Like what they say in the internet world, think before you click! 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


 Been awake since three in the morning because of Redd. She always wale us up in the middle of the night. I had to watch her, otherwise, she’ll wake Joe up by biting his ear…lol

It’s past eight now, we’re already on bed, and I have to wake up at four in the morning.

So goodnight 😴 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day

Today is holiday. It’s Memorial day, it’s remembering the veterans who died fighting for the country. 

Though we got to have a three-day weekend, it’s still fast. Tomorrow is back to work. I just wish we only have 2-day work, and the rest are days off…lol

Wouldn’t be nice though? We get a lot of days to spend at home snd our family. We will get a lot of things done….lol

Oh well! At least we get to get a three days off from work. And soon, we’ll be having an out of the country vacation. That’s around the corner, and looking forward to it.

Happy memorial day!!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 

Sunday, May 28, 2023


 We have a three-day weekend, tomorrow is memorial day. It is holiday! Yay!!! I don’t have to wake up early, not that early…lol

We had barbecue today. It was a nice weather. Thank you Lord for the nice weather. Other than that, we just stayed at home, watched tv, and at the same tim, watching my kdrama on my ipad 😊. 

Days went by so fast. It’s now almost nice in the evening. We’re already in the bedroom. 

I ask the Lord our God to watch and protect us while we’re sleeping.

In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Saturday, May 27, 2023


 There are a lot of distractions everywhere. Internet is one example, but that can be in our control. When I say distraction, it comes when you feel you want to be by yourself, to find your inner peace. To meditate, to pray.

I pray the rosary every morning, it’s a practice eversince I was in the Philippines. I pray every night too. But it doesn’t matter how I warned that I’ll start to pray, oh to please be quiet because i will be praying, it’s still the same.

Either somebody will talk to me, or will start swearing. Then I’ll get distracted. I know it’s the “other side” that does that. It wants be to take away my mind from the Lord.

But try as he might, he can’t win. Because my faith in God is strong. My mind might wander sometimes, but I will continuyto praise God. He is my only living God. 

In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Friday, May 26, 2023

FB Reels

 I love posting on social media, especially videos about my dogs. Been sharing them on my social media account. So, when they decided to pay us, digital creators, for the videos that we post, I was happy.

Though it was just chump change, still, I can share my pets as well as earning $$$. At first it was fun, especially when you get a lot of likes and comments, but lately, I noticed that my earnings were getting less and less. And my old videos are being flagged by saying that the music that I used were copyrighted.

Whenever I get something like that, I immediately deleted the video. Then one after another. It was annoying. I was thinking, why did they put those music, if they don’t want us to use it. Is it a bait? So if we decided to use it, they will say that we have no right, but they will have the right to take money from your earnings on reels.

I reached out to the creator support, but to no avail. I don’t want the stress that it was giving me, so I decided to just delete all my reels video last night.

I don’t want to make things complicated, life itself is already like that. It doesn’t matter how I enjoyed sharing the videos of my pets, I just don’t want to be stressed out over simple matters.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Mental Health


With what’s happening in the world, we can’t do anything but think and ask ourselves, what’s going on? There are chaos everywhere, people doesn’t get along. Right becomes weong, and vice versa.

Then comes our personal life, problem arises, personal, professional. And there are people that are not good in handling problems. They tend to give up.

The more they think about their problem, the more it gets worst, and it affects their life and all the people around them, especially their family. 

And the more they think, the more they become negative. And that’s where their mental health gets compromise. 

We have to take care of ourselves, and our mental health as well. If not, we’ll become weak even physically.

What we can do is ask God to give us strength , and think positively. Nobody can help us but ourselves.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Thank you Lord

Today, I just want to thank the Lord our God for always keeping is safe, and for all the blessings that He gave us, especially today.

We often asked for many thing when well pray but always forget to thank Him. There are certain times too that I forgot to thank Him right away, maybe too much excitement? Or because I already got what I prayed for? Well, not really, I admit that there are times that I didn’t thank Him right away, but, I always thank Him.

Thank you Lord for being a forgiving, loving, and selfless God. Thank you for keeping me, my family, and all my love ones safe at all times. 

In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Sense of Humor

Filipinos are full of sense of humor. We laugh at every little things. We love to laugh, and we also know how to laugh even to ourselves. And i love that. 

Laughter is the best medicine as they say. Filipinos are nice. We greet our family, friends, and even strangers, with a smile, and share laughter too. 

But I think sometimes we overdo it. Because there are people that dislikes laughter. Others don’t understand our sense of humor. Or probably because theyunor used to it like we do. 

I myself admits that there are times that I forget that I’m not in my birth country, where almost everyone has sense of humor. I guess there are times that even if they didn’t say it, but you can tell by their reactions or actions.

So I told myself, that should serve as a lesson to me. I have to watch what I say, or just keep it to myself if I knew that what I’ll say, or do, will offend somebody.

Lesson learned: not all has a good sense of humor. And not all wants to see you smiling or laughing. They probably either have a miserable life, hard to please, or no sense of humor at all 😘😝.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Pouring Rain

 It’s spring time isn’t it? And it’s almost summer. But if you live in New Mexico, you can barely feel the spring and summer .it’s been raining, snd every afternoon, as soon as I’m driving home, the rain will pour. 

When I say it was pouring, it was really pouring, that I can’t see the road. I know it’s nice, while other countries like the Philippines, need the rain, because it’s too hot there, here I am ranting about the rain.

One thing about it is that, it doesn’t last. But I just hope, we experience summer this year. Summer here is just like a week, and the rest is cold weather…lol

But what can I do, Lord knows what He is doing. I should be thankful snd grateful.

In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Sunday, May 21, 2023


 I got so tired from cooking a lot today. Actually, I planned it, and I’m glad, I was able to do it. I made a lot, like, tortang talong, homemade Longanisa, chicken-pork adobo, and a desert, coconut macaroons. 

Though I spent my whole day cleaning, and cooking. It was a well-spent day. 

Thank you Lord for giving me energy and strength to all these today.

In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Exhausted πŸ₯±

 It’s my day of but I woke up @ five in the morning. It was because Redd kept on crying, ans I didn’t want to wake up Joe. What I did was, picked her up, na d called Sam, and we went to the vacant room.

I was planning o going back to sleep, but Wally kept on barking downstairs. If I ignored him, he might ended up waking the whole neighborhood.

I had no choice but to go downstairs, took them all out so they can di their business. Then, I proceeded to cleaning the house. Though I was hungry, I had to wait until I had my bloodwork.

At least I accomplished my house chores routine today, except cleaning the upstairs. I can still do that tomorrow. Right now, I need to stop and sleep.

Lord, thank you for all your blessings and for keeping us safe at all times. In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Friday, May 19, 2023

God is good all the time !!’

All the time, God is good. God is a forgiving God. We might not know it, but He’s always with us, within us, guiding us. Giving us comfort, giving us strength.

Thank you Lord for this day, for this whole week. For all the blessings that we we received. For keeping us safe, especially yesterday, when it was pouring so hard on my way home. That I can’t see the road ahead of me. But I was able to make it, and I know that God guided me and kept me safe. 

Everyday, we witnessed miracles, life itself is a miracle. Even when we wake up and see another day, it’s a miracle. 

We should not forget God. We should always be thankful and grateful. 

Amen πŸ™ 

Thursday, May 18, 2023


It’s past eight, we’re already on bed. Have to wake up at four in the morning again. It’ll be Friday, yay!!! 

Had a long day, I’m not gonna make this long. 

Nite nite 😴 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023


 Redd is almost 2 months old, she’ll be on the 20th. She’s still biting and nipping, but not as bad. She knows now how to listen to commands like sit and “give me your paw”. She also know her name now. 

My husband told me that when he came upstairs, he was surprised to Redd too. She was able to come up the stairs. I also witnessed that tonight. It was easy for her, but don’t know how to go down…lol

She’s so cute, except that she bites ever time we get near her. I tried to teach her some tricks, hopefully she’ll learn more.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


 I got home @ 6pm today. I got stuck in the traffic, in Santa Fe. I left work a lil bit after 4pm, had to wait for my son. He gave me flowers and cash for mother’s day. He wasn’t able to bring it to me because he worked in the hospital for 2 days, with 12 hours shift each day. 

I barely left my work when i got stuck in the traffic in the freeway for an hour. It was tiring. I started to get cranky, but I composed myself. Even if I get mad or cry, that won’t change anything.

So I just decided to keep calm and just listen to the music. When I got to the place where the accident, which was the cause of the traffic, it was already been cleared. 

Most of the time, the drivers are just being nosy, hence, the slow flow of traffic. And those people who don’t know how to drive, are always the ones who caused the accidents. 

I just hope there are no casualties, hope they’re all ok. I’m just glad and thankful to God that I got home safe. Had my dinner, and now, I’m in my bedroom, ready to hit the sack.

Thank you Lord for all the blessings that we received today, and thank you for keeping us all safe.

In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™ 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Manic Monday!!!

Argh!!! Monday again! Had to get up early again. Though I’m used to it, there are times that I just want to stay on bed and relax. But I know I can’t.

Even on the weekend she, I have to get up rarly, so the dogs can go out and do their business. If I stayed up until 7am, that’s already late for them, they will be restless and making noise. 

Anyways, I’m still thankful to God, for our jobs, food on the table, my family, all my love ones including our fur babies. Thanks be to God also that He always gives us strength to face a new day. 

In Jesus name! Amen πŸ™ 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother’s Day

 Thank you Lord for all the mothers, especially my mother and mother in law. Also, to my aunts and sisters. Thank you Lord for giving us a very good mother who raised us and sacrificed for us.

Too bad my mother is not around anymore. I wish she’s still around. I wish I could’ve brought her here and took her to different places, shower her with everything she deserves. 

But I know she’s in a better place now. And God is taking very good care of her, together with my father. 

Thank you God for giving me an opportunity to be a mother. For having a son who’s very responsible. Thank you also for my sisters, who took care of me when I was young. And even now.

I also thank you for today, for giving me the opportunity to see my long time friends. 

And lastly, thank you Father God for sharing your dear mother, the Virgin Mary. 

God is good! Amen πŸ™ 

Saturday, May 13, 2023



It was a busy day today. Set up my alarm @5am, but actually woke up @3. I slept again for a short while, but before i knew it, my alarm was already buzzing.

Went to Santa Fe with Joe, he had to bring breakfast burrito to his security guards. He just had to make sure that all six of them were there. 

Got back home @ 9, had to continue doing the laundry, cleaned and vacuumed, did my nail afterwards. 

I was supposed to meet up Ging-Ging, Belen’s sister. But for some reason, it didn’t happen. I told her, there’ll be always next time. 

Joe took me out for dinner instead. He made reservations, this is to celebrate mother’s day. We went out today because there’ll be a lot of people tomorrow. 

It got me tired afterwards, probably because I woke up very early. But I’m not complaining. At least we got to spend time together. 


Happy mother’s day to all the mothers in the world. Especially to my nanay in heaven πŸ˜❤️πŸ₯°πŸ’.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Mind Over Matter


Our body reacts to what our mind dictates. Whatever we think, there’s a part of our brain that sends command to our body to do it. 

We only have one life, we should take care of it. And life is not easy. There are a lot of problems, anxiety and oftentimes , it leads to depression.

But, why will we ruin our precious life by worrying a lot, by entertaining negative thoughts? Problems are already part of our life, we can’t avoid it. And it can’t be solve by making problems out of our problems. 

Do you think if we get mad to ourselves or to other people, that’ll help us solve our problem? NO! We can’t run away from it, the solution is to face it. After all, God won’t give it to us if He thinks, we can’t solve it.

Always pray and ask Gos for guidance, and He will leas us the way. We should always fight the negative thoughts by being positive, and by believing in ourself, that we can do everything with the help of our Lord. 

Don’t lose to negativity. Don’t give it a chance to ruin your life. Don’t give it a space in our life. Think positive. Think God.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Yay or Nay !!!

There are times that it’s hard to say no. But there are also tomes that we have to say it, otherwise, people will take advantage of us. 

I usually express what I feel, I don’t sugarcoat, nor give false hopes. I wasn’t like this before. I easily gives in. I always lent a helping hand then, I still do, but I’m now being careful.

There are also times that I had to say no to a request. Not that I didn’t want to help, it’s that, I don’t want to be an enabler. And a lot of people tend to do that.

I just wish I have tons and tons of money so I can help a lot of people, especially my family and friends. But since I don’t, I just include them in my prayers. To keep them safe at all times, and for them to have a healthy and prosperous life. Amen πŸ™ 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


 Meet Redd, she’s Sam’s runt of the litter. We were supposed to give her away like her other siblings, but Joe changed his mind and decided to keep her. She’s so cute, but a lil bit kind of a “terrorist”…lol

Today, I bought a training treat for her. I decided to train her for a change. She’s smart. She’s almost 2mos old. She’s cute but she bites a lot. The moment you get near her, you’ll be bitten by her sharp teeth. That’s all she does. 

I tried to train her today, by asking her to give me her hand, shake hands. For a first timer, she did good. Though she still tried to bite, but she learned to give me her hand and shook it. It was so cute πŸ₯°.

We’ll do it again tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted πŸ˜‰.

Sunday, May 7, 2023


 It’s Sunday. I feel ok. I already knew what I was about to do today. I marinated the chicken thighs last night. I planned on making Kung Pao Chicken. 

Woke up before 6am. I started working in the kitchen as soon as I came down. Fried the chicken, made sauce, then cooked. I already made the Togue Spring Rolls the night before. Also made Cheesy Wong this morning and put it in the freezer. 

I also planned on making Pilipino Empanada, but I stopped myself, because I don’t think I can do it. I felt kinda tired. Maybe next week, if I have the same energy as today. 

I fried and ate 2 pieces of the veggie spring rolls for lunch. It was so good. And ate kung pao chicken with rice for dinner. Joe said, they’re better than Panda Express. Of course, been cooking it for a long time, and I already mastered it. 

Packed some for lunch tomorrow, and some for Carlo. They all like my cooking. That makes me happy πŸ˜ƒ. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023


We finally chose a name for her, it’s Redd. At first we didn’t name all the puppies because we had no intention of adding more dogs in our family. I even asked my 2 co-workers if they want one, they both said yes. And I was all ready to let them go. 

Until it was time to part ways. The boy went to Joe’s grandchildren. One went to my co-worker. I didn’t expect to cry but I did. Then the “ginger”, the runt of the litter. I was ready to give her away, bu my husband Joe m, changed his mind. She already grew on him. 

Though embarrassed, I told my co-worker that he wants to keep her. I know she was disappointed, but she was ok with it. And since we’re keeping her, we, actually it was Joe, named her as Redd. 

She’s a character, she’s fun to be with and she’s intelligent, like her mom. She looks angelic, but don’t be deceived. She always bite us, and it hurts. Barely 2 mos and she already has a lot of antics.  

She loves being with people, and playing with our adult dogs. I can tell that she’s just like Sam, her mom, an Alpha. We’ll see 😍.

More on Redd in my future blogs🐢

Friday, May 5, 2023

Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts attract negative vibes. If we keep on thinking that a certain person is bad, or they have a negative vibe on us, we can’t change it, unless we proved that we’re wrong.

They say, first impression lasts. Not true. What if that person is just putting their best effort to impress us? Then in the end, we found out that they were just an act. We can’t judge a person by merely looking at them, or we just met them for the first time. We got to know them deeply and truthfully.

Our attitude, no matter how hard we hide it, it'll be revealed by itself. There are people that we can’t fool or deceived. 

As for me, I’m easy to please, I always want to think positive. I don’t want to make a problem put of problem. But there are times that I’m not in the mood, I noticed that the more i aged, the more lil patience i have. 

Nothing personal, and I also have feelings. It’s not all the time that I’m in the mood to laugh at somebody else’s jokes. I also get tired. Especially st work, and when i get home, i still have a lot to do.

I just hope that i can be understood also.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Cute πŸ₯°

 Today, I gave her away. She kissed her mom goodbye when we left this morning. I think she knew what was going on because when we were going out from the garage, she was very quiet. I carefully out her on my lap, covered her with my coat. She didn’t move an inch.

I thought of bringing the carrier, but I told myself, she’ll be fine. The distance between my home and work is an hour drive. She was so quiet. And when I got out of my car, I placed her in my lunch bag πŸ˜‚.

All my co-workers who saw her loved her, she’s really well behaved and very cute. She was hugged by everyone. Then the time comes when Vi’s (her new mom) brother cane to pick her up, I started crying. I feel so sad all of a sudden.

I was with them the moment Sam, their mom, conceived, gave birth to them. They were so cute, and they’re even cuter. I just wish I can keep all of them. But then, I’m happy, I know they’re in good hands. And, I get to keep “Red”, the runt of the litter. She’s like Sam, though I think, she’s more feisty and playful. 

I pray that they all grow up to be more lovable and happy. I love them and they will forever be my babies πŸ₯°❤️🐢.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Today, I gave away one of Sam’s puppies, Cilantro. I didn’t give him that name, they did. I was at work when they picked him up. I’d rather that way than seeing him go.

But then, when I got home, aside from the big dogs who greeted me, the 2 remaining puppies was so happy when they saw me, but I felt sadness suddenly. I miss Cilantro, and I can’t help but cried. 

Well, can you blame me, I was with them even when they were still in Sam’s womb, I was wide awake and even took time out from work when Sam gave birth to them, it was me whom they saw the moment they opened their eyes. 

They knew my smell, my voice, my footsteps. And as time goes by, they’re becoming sooo cute!!! 

Tomorrow, it’s Baby Bokchoy’s turn. I’ll hand her over to my co-worker, red supposed to be given to my co-worker too, but Joe didn’t want to let her go, he changed his mind. So, I guess we’ll be keeping her 😁. 


Tuesday, May 2, 2023


 Days went by fast today at work. I stopped by at my son’s work  & dropped off the spring rolls that he requested, with adobo on the side. He gave me a tour inside, met his co-workers, they’re all nice, especially the Filipina nurse. Of course, most of our fellow countrymen are nice. Though there are some that are not.

I got home late. Had to clean up first, of course, took a shower, then ate my dinner. Just read a lil while, then went upstairs. 

We’re staying here in the extra bedroom. I don’t want to disturb Joe, he’s sick, and he easily gets irritated with the puppies whining. I understand. And to avoid it, had to bring the puppies here. 

I just hope he’ll feel better soon. That’s why sometimes, i’d rather be sick than him. At least I know I can take care if myself. I also hope, he won’t lose his voice, and get back to his normal self.

In Jesus name! Amen πŸ™ 

Monday, May 1, 2023


 I called in sick again today, though I’m still sick, it was Joe. He woke up not seeing anything and can’t walk due to the swollen knee. Our bedroom is upstairs, my worry was, how can he go downstairs when he can’t see nor walk.

Fast forward, we went to the veterans hospital ER, there were lots of old veterans that were already there. He checked in, but hours went by and he was never called yet. Tic tac tic tac…

It was so called there, and I got bored, so I  went to my car, there I waited by watching my Kdrama. Good thing I downloaded the episodes and I can watch it without interruptions.

‘Twas already past 12noon when he came out, we were right, he has oink eyes. He wasn’t able to have his knee checked, he  was told that that’ll be another series of tests, which will take a lot of hours. If he had the tests, we’ll probably still there up until now.

They call it Emergency room, but they made people wait for hours and hours. Even urgent care, you’ll end up spending your precious day in there.

That’s why nobody wants to go there, me neither, i’ d rather wait for my doctor’s appointment than go there. 

Thank God I don’t get sick much and thank God especially that my husband is ok now. He was able to see and walk. I oray that he’ll be healthier and stronger, and that You heal him completely Oh Lord..

In Jesus name. Amen πŸ™

Sammy 🐢 ❤️

It was just March of this year when Sam gave birth to three beautiful puppies. We kept the youngest, Redd, I gave the other girl to my co-wo...