Tuesday, February 28, 2023



I just got home,, after doing my usual routine, I sat beside my husband in the living room and watch the news with him. It was at that moment that the host was saying about Agent 007, James Bond, and that, it’s gone WOKE 

I have nothing against woke, because I think, my son’s one of them…lol. It’s just that, I’m an old soul, I want things the way they were, though I know that change is the only permanent in this world. I know I have to welcome changes, probably not!?

Well, woke people think differently, they think absurd and they think they’re right. Look how they change James Bond for example. Oh well, I don’t want to further things. I’ll just keep it to myself. 

Woke?  The past tense of wake 😜 

Monday, February 27, 2023


 Have you made a decision in your life but doubted it afterwards? I did! There were times that I doubted myself if I did the right decision. And when I started thinking about it, I still doubted it. Doesn't make sense?

I’m pretty sure it’s not just me, I bet you doubted yourself too in some point. And I think it’s just normal. Our brain is tricky, even if we know that we’re right, our mind will doubt it.

I thinking to put doubt in our decision means that we don’t trust ourselves. It’s ok to think twice or thrice, especially if that’s a major decision, we have to think it over and over and over again. That’s normal.

But one thing I don’t doubt, that God exist. Though I don’t see Him, I know that He’s within me, and He is the only one that I don’t doubt. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023



I never knew anyone who didn’t struggle in their life. Life is hard, we all struggle, before we achieve our goals or dreams. To savor the fruit of our hard work, we had to struggle.

When I was young, I didn’t think I’ll experience hardships. Though my father died when my siblings I were still very young, I had no idea that my mother struggled a lot. Left with 7 kids to take care of us by herself, she worked hard so hard. 

I used to sleep beside my mother then, I always wake up hearing her crying. In my young mind, I was thinking, she missed my father badly, and I started crying too.

Now that I’m old, I’ve Experienced a lot of hardships myself, but within those struggles, it made me stronger. Because I know, behind those tears, there will be laughter, and behind the dark clouds, there will be sunlight.

To succeed in life, we have brace ourselves for possible hurdles. Life is like mathematics, we have to learn the formula, in order to solve the equation. 

Living is not easy, but it gets better once we approach it with positivity, and we should believe in ourselves, that no matter how hard it is, everything’s possible. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023



Are you strong? Where do you think your strength’s coming from? How do you use your strength? Hmmm let me think 🤔 

As for me, my strength’s coming from the food the I eat. It gives me strength and to go through the day. It also comes from my family, my husband and son are a source of my strength too. Their support and love enough to make me strong. Both of them are the reasons why I always get up each day.

But do they you know that other than family and food, there is one source of strength that’s more powerful? It’s our Faith to God. Everything that we need and want  is packed in one, He is the center of everything. Without Him, we are nothing. 

If we are with God, who can be against us? In times of trouble, if we are scared, always remember and pray to God, He will always protect us, He will make us stronger than ever. 

Do you want to be strong and fear no one? Believe in God. God is good, all the time!!! 

Friday, February 24, 2023



I never knew anybody who doesn’t have internet connection  nowadays. Even those who live in the remote areas in the Philippines has internet. 

Because of internet, we are able reach our love ones easily. It doesn’t matter even if they live halfway around the globe, with internet, it’s possible.

But like in the movies, where there are villains, same with the internet world. The villains are the viruses. If you’re not careful, they can do damage on your computer.

At work, our admins and IT personnel always reminds us to be careful especially if we receive malicious email. We even have training every year about that.

Usually, when I get emails that didn’t come from within our department, I always forward it to our IT support, coz I know, it was Phishing. Those kinds sent a link, that if you click it, it will infect the computer, and might get all the datas stored. 

I work for the government, that's why they always remind us to be very careful. 

Today was different, I got an email and it was from our “HR”, telling me to check and verify my time report, I was so busy, and since I didn’t report my time for this week yet, without thinking clearly, I clicked the link, but it was too late when  I realized that it was a phishing email. 

I immediately emailed the IT support and told them what happened. After that, an IT guy chatted with me and told me that he had to take over and shut off my computer. Until after I left for home, he was still there working on it.

I hope it didn’t get infected with virus. Viruses are high tech now, and the kind they usually use is the Ransomware, they demand ransom to their victims in exchange of giving back all the datas that they stole.
Ridiculous huh? I just hope and pray that everything’s fine when we gi back to work on Monday. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Early Dismissal

 Went to work today. My program was steady, had to finish processing the checks that were due today. There are times that my co-workers will chat with me. We had our first 15 minutes at 10AM. 

Before 12noon, we got and email that the maintenance people will turn off the water in our bathrooms. The management decided to give us an admin leave for the rest of the day. They sent us home!!! Yay!!!

This is what I like about my job, about working for the government. Aside from all the holidays, we have extra time  off, unexpectedly. If there is winter storm, and the publicly schools decided to delay the classes or completely cancelled them, we will to. The bonus part is, i get both ways. I live in a different county/city. Even if they didn’t cancel in the city where I work, but they did where I live, I am excuse. Or the public schools where I live didn’t cancel, and the city where I work cancelled, I don’t have to go either. Nice huh? 😃

That’s why my dogs were surprised when they saw me came home early. They were so happy, so was I 😉.

Anywqys, time to fo to bes. Thank God it’ll be Friday 😃

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

It’s Ok Not to be Ok

I’ve seen a lot in the news about young people taking their lives, or committing suicide because of family problems, bullying, peer pressure, etc etc etc.

Even adults, because of pressure from work, family, and other things that affect their daily lives. 

Majority of us nowadays spend our time in social media. And everybody has an easy access. All of us has our phone or different kind of gadgets. In fact, distance is not a hindrance anymore, you can call and see each other thru video call. 

But because of the new technologies, there are a lot that’s going on in the cyber world. Children are at risk with cyber bullying,  or if they’re not careful, they can encounter bad guys, who are lurking and looking for their victims.

Some of these victims doesn’t talk, they keep it to themselves, for  fear that they will be judged, or they don’t want to be exposed because they’re embarrassed. In the end, they will take their own lives. And that’s the saddest part. 

But you know what? Nobody should judge somebody. It’s ok not to be ok. We’re all humans, and as a human being, we are entitled to express our emotions. If you feel like crying, cry, if you’re happy, smile. 

It’s ok not to be ok, if that’s how you feel. Reach out to someone you trust. Somebody who can lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on. You don’t have to keep everything to yourself. It’s ok not to be ok. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Power Trip

Have you met people that are proud of themselves? Especially those who have authority over you? Be it your superior or even your co-worker? I did. In fact, I met a lot. They’re actually everywhere.

There are superiors or supevisors that they think they own you. They think they’re always right, just because. I call those people as power trippers. 

I used to have a supervisor that didn’t want to get bypassed, in other words, we have to always follow the “chain of command”! Which I understand, and I always did. But this certain superior had favorites. If you’re not her favorite, and I was one of those, rest assured that she’ll always call your attention and find faults.

Thank God she’s not my supervisor anymore, she moved up. But before she did, I talked to her boss, and told him my concerns. He arranged a meeting for the three of us, and I was able to tell her how I felt, and how unfair she treated me. Of course at first she denied it, but there are incidents that even her supervisor witnessed, so she apologized.

I still see her even she’s not my supervisor anymore, the one 
who replaced her is more approachable, smart, and considerate. 

I was once a supervisor too, but never acted that way. I treated them the way I want to be treated. 

Supervisor or not, we should always bear in mind, that each one of us deserved to be respected regardless of rank or status in life.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Being a Mother

I am a mother to a 27 years old boy. Yes, he just turned 27. Time flew by so fast. It seemed just like yesterday when I gave birth to him. He was 12 years old when we got here, so little and very tiny. But now, he’s a grown man.

We are 7 in the family. 4 boys and 3 girls, I’m the 6th. My mother raised us all by herself when my father died @ 43. She was a strong woman, a loving and kind-hearted mom to all of ys her children. 

I’ve seen a lot of children being neglected, even abandoned by their own parents. And the worst was, they even got rid of them, yes, killed them, just so they can move on from their lives. Others considered their children as a hindrance to their plan, or an embarrassment 

That’s why I can’t imagine how any parent can harm their kids. They should be the first one to protect them. As for me, I will everything, exert all my power and strength to protect my son, even my husband, my whole family, even my pets. I will give my life to them.

I pray for those who experienced, and experiencing abuse. May the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ protect them from harm.

In Jesus name! 


Sunday, February 19, 2023

No to Violence!

My husband and I just watched the show on tv, “See No Evil”. The episode was about a family, where the husband/father was abusive. He used to heat up his wife, in front of their kids, until he killed her in the end. That was devastating.

I don’t know why one has to go through it. I can’t imagine the fear within the wife, and their children. They will live theough it their whole life.

I was born and raised in Manila. I was the 6th, and the youngest among 3 sisters. There’s a 5 years gap between me and the youngest. My father died when I was 9 years old. Old enough to know everything what was going on around me. I don’t remember my father hit nor raised his voice to my mother, nor any of us, his children. 

I grew up in a loving family. When my father died, she put our eldest in-charge or us, she divided the house chores among them, while she was away, working as a dressmaker. My brother, who’s 2 years older than me, our youngest, and I were too young to help. So, we didn’t do anything but to study and play.

Our house should be our sanctuary. And our parents should be our protector. My mother did everything she could to take care of us when my father died. She made sure we always had food on the table, roof on our heads, good education, God-fearing,  and protection.

I feel sorry for the kids who were abused by their own family, of all people. While watching that show, it broke my heart. All I can do is to pray for them. That God will take care of the abused and domestic violence victims. 

I pray that the pain they experienced will be healed, and they will lead a good and happy life.

In Jesus name! 

Amen 🙏 

Saturday, February 18, 2023


 It’s the weekend, Quincy a.k.a Stinker woke me up by whining.  So had no choice but to get up, it was past 6 in the morning. The dogs need to go to the bathroom, anyway.

Going downstairs, I grabbed my laundry basket. Had to start early too. Then grabbed the floor mop, and started cleaning the kitchen, the bathroom, living room, and the upstairs.

After cleaning, I took a shower and off we went to the store. My laundry got done early too. I was tired so I decided to take a nap. And now I’m relaxing.

Bot much to say but Blah…lol

Friday, February 17, 2023


I feel so tired today. Probably because I did a lot @ work. Though we only went to work for 3 days, because of the snow storm. Still, because I was so busy that it equaled to a week worth’s of work.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my job. I finally found a job that I enjoy, it doesn’t pay much, but the important thing is, I like it, as well as my co-workers, and my supervisor.

I also like my program, it’s due every month, that’s why I’m always busy, and the time goes by so fast. 

But thank God it’s Friday. I don’t have to get up @ 4am, though I still wake up as early as 6am, have to take the dogs out, I don’t mind though. I can’t stay late to bed, unlike when I was young. Staying late makes my body ache. And it makes me feel like, I will lose half of the day if I get up late.

I am a morning person, since I was young, I got used of getting up early. That’s why, I get up right away as soon as I hear the alarm. If I stay and didn’t get up, I might fall asleep again, and wake up late. It happened before, I ended up calling in.

So, tomorrow is Saturday, laundry and cleaning day. That’s another thing why I get up early, to start the chores, so I can just relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Happy weekend😊😉💕

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Cheap International Flights? Hmmm

 For a few months now, my husband and I has been looking for a cheap flights to the Philippines, and we found it very ridiculous. Why? Because for one person, it costs like more than $2,000!!! I told him, we should wait, maybe we can find a good deal. So we end waited, but it’s still the same! 

The other day, I found $1,600,  but when I checked the details, aside from the layover will take more than 12 hours, the flight will have the total of 31 hours!!!! Not just that, there are flights that the layover is in the Middle East. Oh no! I don’t want to go to that route!

Aside from it’s making me nervous every time I see on the news about newbie pilots, who cause accidents. The hiring process is not that strict anymore, and they’re inexperienced.

If only the Philippines is just a stone away, that I didn’t have to ride an airplane and the flight doesn’t take 28 hours before it gets there. 

But what can we do, I miss my family and my friends, and besides, it’s my birth country. As the saying goes, ‘there’s no place like home.”

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

I am ME


Each one of us was created by God, that’s what I believe. And each of us is unique, or different. We may have a look-a-like, or you may be twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc etc etc. That doesn’t matter, they still have different personalities. 

God is smart, even our fingerprints are unique, even animals, we have our own identity. 

I’ve seen a lot of people trying to copy others, especially celebrities. Like Angelina Jolie for example, she has thick and pouty lips, now it’s a trend, I’ve seen girls, when take a selfie, they will pout their lips, and then, women nowadays go to doctors to have “fillings” for their lips just so they will look like her (Angelina).

Other women like to change their bodies, to look like other people, that’s fine, if that will make them happy and probably, complete. But what they don’t realize is, it doesn’t matter how pretty one is, it’s the attitude that matters. 

Even if they changed their appearance, God will still remember them, because HE was the one who created all of us. It’s ok to change or to look beautiful, as long as the inside will also stay beautiful, loving, caring, and God-fearing. 

All of us are beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 Schools and work has been cancelled today due to inclement weather. Thank God.  Though I didn’t wake up at 4am, I still woke up at past 5am. 

Been watching the weather, the ice has been melted here, but not in Santa Fe, my friend just told me that it just started to snow there again.

I remember when I was young student, Philippines is surrounded by water, so we get a lot of typhoons. We only have 2 seasons, rainy days and summer time. I remember that we always pray for a typhoon so we didn’t have to go to school, we can stay at home and play. I miss those days.

Now that I’m here in the US, we don’t have much rain, but we have snow. Though we don’t have much snow like in East Coast, we get enough to get the schools cancelled, and the state buildings to be closed.

Due to poor weather, they always decide to either delay the opening of public schools, or close it completely for safety measures. Just like today.

I just stayed at home the whole day, in my jammies. I took a shower this afternoon, and changed into a different pajamas, and of course, watching my favorite KDrama.

Hoping that the ice will stick on the ground, so that, even if they don’t close our building, we’ll have a 2-3 hours delay, at least 😜.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Bad Weather

It was raining on and off the whole day today while I was at work. And when I got off, it was pouring hard, with snow. Good thing that it didn’t rain much here at home.

But @ 7PM, I got a call from my co-worker/friend, Minerva, she told me that the snow is pretty bad, she already have 3 inches in her yard. My son said the same thing. 

Outside, I can hear the whistle of the wind, though we don’t have a snow, as of the moment, yet. But I doubt it. It rain probably but not snow. We didn’t have a lot of snow this year, not even in Santa Fe, but they got more there than here.

Most probably we’ll have a delay or much better if they will cancel the public schools, that means they’ll close the state buildings too. 

Even if they will decide to close the schools and state buildings, I will still have to get up @4am, still have to get ready for work. But what can we do, I am a responsible employee, and have to do what I’m expected to do 😉.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Super Bowl LVII

It’s Super Bowl LVIII today. I went to the store and bought snacks, plus, my son called me and asked me if I have spring rolls, he said that him and his friends will have a party tonight.

I bought ingredients and snacks for my husband and I. I made jalapeño & cheese spring rolls, they liked it, it was addicting. I also made us charcuterie plate. But didn’t able to eat it, so I just put it in the fridge so I can take it to work tomorrow for my snacks.

We ate steak for dinner, and after that, I had butter pecan ice cream for dessert, I am so full. Football is still on, the score is tie, 35, and it’s just 1 minute and 54 seconds left remaining. Not really paying attention since it’s not our team, but once in a while, I  glance to check the score and to see who’s leading.

The weekend is almost over, have to get up at 4AM again to get ready and go to work. Another week of workdays, another day, another dollar.

Can’t wait for the weekend again 😉 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Sun & The Moon

Life has its upside down. They say it’s complicated, and I agree. It’s not easy to live. We have to work to put food on our table, to pay the bills, everything has its a price. Nothing is free.

There are times that problems come at the same time, but it doesn’t matter how complicate they are, we always find a solution. Just like the sun, we don’t see it at night, but we know that it will show up again the next morning, likewise with the moon, we don’t see it  in the morning, but once the sun sets, it replaces the sun to give us light at night.

We may experience hardships, and bumps in life, but those hardships are just steps to make us stronger. We may not know it, but as we grow old, we get to understand and learn how to deal with life.

There are also times that we don’t see the sun nor the moon, it’s because they are hiding behind the clouds, but as soon as the clouds are gone, they’re back with their shining lights. Same with life, there might be clouds hanging over us, but it doesn’t take long, it’ll be gone, and the light will shine through, brighter as before.

As long as believe and have faith in ourselves, and work hard, everything will be possible. And with the help of God, life will be easier. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Life is Short but Sweet


It’s true life is short. It seemed just like yesterday when I was young. Enjoying my life, no bills to pay, no big problems. The only problem I had then were my homeworks, especially my Mathematics subject, my allowance, what movies to watch, when can I see my crushes… etc etc etc.

I didn’t know that becoming an adult has a lot of responsibilities, although I always heard my mother telling us, to enjoy our life then, especially when they were telling us to take a nap, which my siblings and I really hated. I remembered her told us to take advantage of it, because when we grow old, we wouldn’t be able to do that even if we want to, now I know what she was talking about, she was right. 

I realized life is short when I lost my mother, it didn’t occur to me before that one day, she’ll be gone 😢, even some of my friends, one day they’re here, another day, they’re gone. It made me sad and empty inside. 

When I slipped on the ice and dislocated my arm, it got swollen big time. I happened so fast, it made me think hard, what if I hit my head on the concrete and died? One day I was alive, then in a minute, I’m dead! That’s scary. Good thing I just dislocated my left arm, and the doctor was able to put it back. 

I know all of us are just passersby here on Earth. We should cherish every moment, especially with our love ones, we didn’t know when, but if that happens, I hope God will welcome me with an open arms in HIS Kingdom. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023



When I was young, we only had 1 television, and a black & white at that. It had a case that had doors. It didn’t have a remote control to channel the tv. To watch different channel, we had to get up and channel it.

As years went by, television evolved. Now it got bigger and bigger, and the screen is flat. Gone are the days when we used to move the antennas to get a better picture. Now, we have to subscribe to either cable or satellite to watch tv. There are a lot of different channels now, that for me is useless because we never get watch those. 

Before, you have to be at home to watch your favorite shows, not anymore, as long as you have wifi, you can access it even if you’re inside the plane. That’s how technologies are now.

We also have other means to watch tv, like netflix and other live streaming providers. Everything now costs a lot of money. 

With all these, I still thank God that we didn’t have cellphones and all these distractions when I was growing up. I was able to enjoy my youth, my family and friends. I also was able to study hard. Though I don’t mind these either.

Afterall, change is the only constant in this world 😉. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Oh No!!!

 On the weekdays, my clock alarms at 4AM. I don’t know what happened, but for some reason, I didn’t hear it. I  t was already 5AM when I woke up. I think it’s been waking me up but I didn’t hear it.

So I hurriedly got up, brushed my teeth, took a shower, dressed up, put a little bit of make up, then off we (my 2 dogs) we went downstairs. 

Took the dogs outside, while they were there, I started frying the ham & cheese rolls, for my lunch at work. I did everything in an hour. Had to leave at least 5 mins to 6am.

I was about to start my car’s engine when I checked my phone. Got a text from my co-worker, Erika, telling me that we had a 2 hour delay due to snow, and another one from the state personnel website, that we had to come in @ 10am. 

I was relieved because I didn’t have to hurry. I was able to relax, watch the news, talked to my husband, and eat breakfast.

It was a short but tiring day. I had a lot of work, but all in all, the day went by so fast. It turned out to be a nice and warm day 😉.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Time in a Bottle

On my way home from work, I was listening to the late Jim Croce’s song, “Time in a Bottle”. It was a really nice and meaningful song.

It made me think though. What if it’s possible? To have a time in a bottle? Just like in that song, I will save all the good memories there, and then, I will open it whenever I want to, savor each moments, especially the memories with my parents. 

If only we can go back in a certain time, starting from the time when my father was still alive, as well as my mother. But it has to be the same as now, married to Joe, with my son too, that’ll be perfect!That way, my parents will meet both of them and I can enjoy the quality time having a complete parents, together with my loving husband, and precious son.

And if I can have a box of wishes, just like in a song too, that box will be empty because I’ll probably use it everyday. Isn’t it wonderful? 

But I can only have a wishful thinking like that. As much as I want to, I know God knows what He is doing, and He’s the only one who can make everything possible. 

I wish I may, I wish I might 😉 

                             Time in a Bottle

If I could save time in a bottleThe first thing that I'd like to doIs to save every day 'til eternity passes awayJust to spend them with you

If I could make days last foreverIf words could make wishes come trueI'd save every day like a treasure, and thenAgain, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough timeTo do the things you want to do once you find them
I've looked around enough to knowThat you're the one I want to go through time with
If I had a box just for wishesAnd dreams that had never come trueThe box would be emptyExcept for the memory of how they were answered by you
But there never seems to be enough timeTo do the things you want to do once you find them

I've looked around enough to knowThat you're the one I want to go through time with

Monday, February 6, 2023


Even if we’re already at the right age, we still need guidance. And me as a parent, gives guidance to my son too. 

Each and everyday, every night, I pray and ask the Lord to guide me, be it making decisions, about my family, work, or just to go through the day. 

We all need guidance. Just like when we were young, our parents always guide and lead us to the right path. My mother never failed to remind us to study hard, to be good not only to ourselves, but to everyone. Be respectful at all times. 

Now that she’s gone, I always ask God to guide me, especially if I’ll have an important decision to make. Although they say, parents, or mothers know best, God is still the best of the best.

We cannot do it without God 😇. 

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Case of my Missing Pajamas (Found!!!)

 I wear pajamas every night. It’s winter time, so I wear jammies that are warm and comfy. Every weekend, I do the laundry. After washing our clothes, I put it in the dryer right away. Same goes with my pair of pajamas. 

after drying the clothes, I put them away, like those belong to the closet, and those in the dresser drawers. I put my jammies in the dresser. 

For some reason, I’ve been looking for my new pajama, the top has been missing for a week now. Been looking for it everywhere, I can’t find it. I wonder where it went. And it bugged me big time.

My husband told me to just buy a new one. But it’s new, and even if I did, it’ll still bother me! I know I folded it nicely and put it in the dresser. I can still picture myself folding it. But it just disappeared in the thin air! 

I looked at the back of washer & dryer, among the hanging clothes, under the bed, in 2 vacant rooms and closets, even in the garage, but to no avail! 

I guess I just have to forget about it, maybe one day when I’m not looking m, that it’ll just appear. Maybe my guardian angel’s playing tricks on me 😇 😉.

I’m heading to Costco, where I bought it, to buy a new pair. If the bottom disappears, I will still have a pair…lol 

Update!!! 02/08/2023

I found it last night! It fell at the back of the drawer…lol 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Lights, Camera, Action!

I’m not really a fanatic of movies. When I was young, yes! But I like movies that are sweet, love stories, & family-oriented.  I used to love suspense-thriller, as well as actions. 

I stopped watching suspense-thriller movies, I dunno, I just don’t like it anymore. Probably because I always watch the true to life stories of serial killers and murderers. It sacred me. 

I’d like to watch action films, especially those when they chase cars, even now, when we watch cops show or PD live, I always get entertained by those, I guess I’m weird…lol

I used to read books too, fantasies like Harry Potter and the likes. But not anymore either. During my free time, I just love watching Korean dramas. It’s because they have good stories, and they’re light, and they’re funny. They have a lot of good writers. 

I have just finished watching an action movie, that was pretty good. Though it was a few years ago when they made it, I liked it. 

Pinoy movies are like Western, when I was young, I like it, but as I grew older, it doesn’t entertain me anymore. In fact, it irritated me now. Oh well, I know others probably won’t agree with me, but what can you do? To each his own. 

Will go back watching my Kdrama now 😉. 

Friday, February 3, 2023


 Finally! It’s the weekend! I always want to sleep longer and stay on bed late, but I know it won’t happen. It’s just a wishful thinking. Aside from I automatically wake up @ 6am, my body aches if I get up late. Also, aside from my dogs, my cat, Rosemary will wake us up. Especially if she don’t have food. 

The least that I can wake up is @ 7am, that’s the latest. Back when I was young, I can sleep until 2pm. It was when I was single. My only worries then was homeworks, reporting, and what clothes to wear, and where should we (my friends) hang out. 

Those were the days when I didn’t have responsibilities yet. Though my son’s an adult now and moved out, I have 7 pets to take care of, aside from my husband of course. 

With my dogs around, I can’t have enough rest. They’re à handful. But I love them dearly. They make me happy but they make me real

 tired too…lol

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Goodnight 💤


I was ok until after I ate ice cream and went to bed. All of a sudden, I feel so tired. I almost forgot that I don’t have an entry here yet. There are times like now that I get lazy and didn’t want to write anything, but I promised myself that no matter what, I’ll pull myself together and write something.

Nothing much happened today except I was really busy at work. Taking advantage of it because afterwards, it’ll be slow again, and that’s boring.

Anyway m, I’m really tired. I’ll try to come up with some interesting story to write tomorrow.

Goodnight 😴 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

It’s Hump Day!!!


Have you seen the insurance commercial before? It was a camel walking inside an office, while saying “hump day off Wednesday”. I was always irritated whenever I see the commercial, until I realized the meaning of it. 

Since Wednesday is the middle of the work week, it just simply meant thay one has made it “over the hump” towards the weekend, hence, the camel and the Wednesday.

As for me, this week went by so fast, probably because I had a lot of work. I’d rather be busy like this than doing nothing. My supervisor told me today when she saw my load of work, she knew I don’t ask for help, and I love working. My co workers knew that also.

I have a very good work ethics, probably because I had a good training and as Asian, especially Pilipinos, we are hard working and resilient people. Whatever profession or job we have, we made sure that we give our best 😉.

Well, two more days and it’ll be the weekend. 

Happy Hump Day!!! 

Sammy 🐶 ❤️

It was just March of this year when Sam gave birth to three beautiful puppies. We kept the youngest, Redd, I gave the other girl to my co-wo...