Friday, March 31, 2023


Today, I’m praying for all kinds of sickness in this world, especially my husband’s . May God touch him and all that are sick, with His healing hands. I am also praying for the healing of the world. 

This I ask, in Jesus name. Amen 🙏 

Thursday, March 30, 2023


Did it ever happen to you? Losing focus? Especially during times that you need to concentrate? It happens to me a lot lately.  It’s not like before that when I concentrate, I can do it without a problem.

I can think simultaneously. I’m not sure how my brain can do that, but we know that our brain is tricky. Yes, it tricks us! Especially when I pray. 

Every morning as I wake up, I always pray the rosary, that’s automatic. But there are times that I found my mind wandering, forgetting about the rosary. It’s like a trance. It’s taking me away from focusing on God and made me think of other things.

when were focusing on God, that’s when the “other side” attacks. We should be aware of that. The more we praise our Lord, the more temptations attack. 

But don’t be afraid, God is our best defender. He won’t let us go astray. For as long as we don’t live His side, we are safe, we are God’s children. And He loves all of us. 

Amen 🙏 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Firefly and the Snake

My friend on Facebook posted this story today. It’s about a firefly that wanted to be eaten by the snake. But before that, the firefly asked the snake three questions. First, if he’s one of the snake’s food chain, second, if he did something bad to him, the answers to those questions were NO, and the third was, why did the snake wanted to kill him? The snake’s reply was because he can’t stand to see the firefly shine. 

In real life, there are a lot of people like the snake. In fact, we’ve already met some of them. Be it relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc etc etc. 

There are people that are only good in front of us, but once we turned our backs to them, their mask begins to peel off. Some will be nice just because they want something from us, or will just use us. 

One thing I learned, only trust myself. 

Snd the moral of this story? There are people that can’t stand others when they become successful, when others are shining. They act like snake, they’re silent, but ready to destroy you.

So friends…..Beware!!! 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Don’t feel like writing anything today, too lazy to think. Did a lot of work today, and the usual long drive to and from work. I just ate noodles with boiled eggs. Sam helped herself with my food and ate the rest…lol

Till next blog 😊

Monday, March 27, 2023

Healthy Living???

 I had to fast last Saturday for I had to have my bloodwork done.  It was ordered by my doctor the last time I went to see him, ‘twas last month.

Today, I noticed that I got an email from my doctor, ‘twas the result of my bloodwork. My internal organs are normal, thank God. But my LDL and my thyroid hormone went up, abnormal 😞.

Lately, been eating fatty foods especially pork belly, and dairy, been eating ice cream, (yes, in the middle of winter), and chocolates. 

I promised myself that I’ll stay away from them starting today, I will resume exercising too. And I noticed that I’m gaining weight again.

Have to be determined if I want to stay fit and be healthy. 

So…let’s get physical, physical….lol

Sunday, March 26, 2023


Plane tickets are ridiculously high! We’ve been looking for June flight, but can’t find any that’s cheap. Aside from that, it’ll take 3 days! No way!!!

So finally today, we were able to buy, now our target dates but it’s in September. It’s cheaper than those $2k ticket that we found before for June or July. This will do.

It’s been 6 years since I’ve visited my home country, and it’s about time! This time, I won’t be traveling alone, my husband will come with me. It’s been 15 years for him, the last time was 2008, I was still in the Philippines then.

Though it’s still 6 more months, I’m so excited and happy. I will be seeing my family again, and I’ll be eating my favorite Pinoy foods!!! Yay!!! 😂😘

Saturday, March 25, 2023


It’s weekend again, as much as I want to stay on bed, I can’t. I have a lot of responsibilities, first, my dogs, they were all waiting for me so I can take them out to go to the bathroom.

Next, my laundry, it’s Saturday,  and it’s laundry day too. And while the laundry’s in the works, had to clean the house. My vacuum didn’t have enough charge, so I wasn’t able to do the 2nd floor. 

Had my bloodwork done today, it was ordered by my doctor the last time I went to see him. Had to fast, otherwise, they can’t do it.

Went to the store afterwards. Was going to make macaroni salad, but I got tired. 

The day went by so fast, now its 10:30. Will be going to be soon. Another day’s gone. One more day and the weekend is over. 

Friday, March 24, 2023



I only went to work for 3 days this week, but it felt like forever! I was watching tv here in the living room, then I fell asleep. I wanted to stay late since it’s the weekend, but I can’t. Aside from I got up at 4am, I haven’t recovered from the 2 sleepless nights when Sam gave birth.

It’s taking a toll on me now. Gone were the days when I can stay up for 2-3 consecutive nights, now, I have to go to bed as early as 7:30. Well, it’s because I get up at 4, and have to leave 15 mins. before 6am. My drive to work takes an hour, same when I go home.

I am just finishing my entry for today, then, I’ll go upstairs and off to bed 😉.

Nite nite 💤

Thursday, March 23, 2023

National Puppy Day!!!

Yay!!! They came out right in time to celebrate the National Puppy Day!!! It’s their third day, and everyday, they’re getting bigger and healthier. 

Sammy’s really a good mother. She didn’t want to leave them. She’ll come to us when we’re eating, but she’ll go back and forth to check on her puppies, so cute!!!

The puppies already have 2 godmothers, they’re my friends at work, they volunteered to be their godmothers, so we’ll see when’s the Christening…lol

I really love dogs, they make me happy, that’s why we have a lot of dogs now, and a lot of responsibilities too. If i will have my way, I’ll keep the 3 puppies, that’ll make them 10…lol. But unfortunately, I can’t. Too much!

I just have to make sure that they will come to a family that will love and protect them, and I know they will be 😊.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023



For two days, I didn’t go to work, I didn’t sleep, and now, I started to feel it. The first day, it was because I stayed up all night with Sam. She had her puppy. 

The second day, stayed home, because she’s a new mom, and seemed like she didn’t want me to leave them. The only time that I left them was when I took a shower, I was still in the bedroom when I heard her crying. 

When I opened the door, she led me downstairs to her puppies. She never left her pups, she’s scared that somebody might take them. She didn’t want anybody touch them but us. She trust us. 

But today, I went to work, and while I was driving home, I felt so tired, I need to take a nap. Those sleepless nights started to get into me. 

Illegal just take the other dogs out, put them to bed, then I’ll be hitting the sack. 

Goodnight 💤 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Divorce in the Philippines

Aside from the Vatican, Philippines is the only country who  doesn’t have divorce yet. Many lawmakers there tried and propose a bill, but it never passed, and I don’t think it’ll be in the near future.

Yes, we are a Catholic country. And they said, we are very devoted and family-oriented, and they didn’t want to break the family, and hurt the kids.

I used to believe in the sanctity of marriage, and I never liked divorce. That was when I was young and single. Until I got married, and realized how complicated the situation I got into.

Though they annulment, still, the process is long and excruciating, and very expensive. How can a mere laborer or housewife afford that? 

That’s why a lot of people either stayed and suffer, it doesn’t matter if they are being abused by their spouse, they can’t just leave, or if others was able to, and want to live a new life with a new partner. They had no choice but to just live in with them, or, and it’s rampant, get married again. Bigamous marriage huh!

But can you blame them? The law doesn’t allow divorce, that’s why, many of them committed adultery or bigamous marriage. And in the Philippines, it’s easy to get married again, they  ever checked if the guy or the girl has previous marriage. All they have to do is go to the city hall, pull some strings, or bring a witness, and voila! Within a few minutes, they’re married again! 

They’d rather have people commit crime than pass the law of divorce! And they’d rather have the kids see their mother being beaten by their father, or vice versa. Sad but true.

I’m glad I was able to get away from the same situation, though i was never beaten, mine was null and void eversince. But still, I’ve waited for 5 years. And I am so thankful to God, He answered my prayers when I asked Him to direct me to somebody that can help me with it.  What can I say?

God is good! All the time!! All the time, God is good!!! 

Keep the faith 🙏🙏🙏

Monday, March 20, 2023

3 cute puppies!!!

 They’re here and they’re the cutest!!! Sam had them early morning today. Between 1AM-3AM. I felt sorry for her, she was very scared, she wanted her daddy and I to be by her side. She was crying, but brave enough to bring those cuties to life.

Of course I didn’t sleep. I was with her all through the night. I tried to go to bed but she followed me. She even tried to bring one of her puppies to her daddy, but can’t jump. Poor baby. 

She had a rough night, but I’m so glad it’s over. All of them are healthy. I just hope Sam can get enough sleep tonight, so as me 😉.

She’s very protective of her puppies, that when Quincy, the dad, tried to get near them, she was ready to bite him, likewise with Rosemary. It was just me and her dad can get near her, touch and hold her litters. 

I hope she’ll recover fast, because I know she’ll have a rough time once the puppies get old, have their teeth, and play with each other 😊.

Will give you an update soon 😊

Sunday, March 19, 2023


Poor Sammy, my little chihuahua and shitz zhu mix. She’s pregnant and she might have her puppies anytime soon now.

Like a human being, I was feeling her puppies movements. It was weird as well as I found it amazing. I think she’s having contractions that’s why she was staring at her dad. Maybe asking for help, or might be telling him something’s going on in her belly.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my dog giving birth, that was almost 15 years ago. Blackie gave birth the night before our flight here. She made sure I saw her puppies before we left, it was a happy moment as well as sad because that was the last time that I saw her in person, after a few years, she passed 😢.

I just hope and pray that we’ll be here when Sam gives birth, and that she and her puppies will be alright. Snd all of them will be alive. 

Will give you updates. And please pray with me 🙏🙏🙏

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Paying it Forward

Did anybody help you in the past but didn’t able to pay it back? I had, in fact, there are a lot of them. Though they didn’t tell me to pay them back, I tried, and still trying to pay it forward.

It’s always better to give, than to receive. It’s a nice feeling. I’d rather give than at the receiving end. 

I am so grateful for the people who helped me before when I was in need, be it in kind, or in cash. God always sends somebody, anybody, to help us, even the people that we don’t know, oh! You’ll be surprised! 

That’s why, whenever I could, I help people who really are in need, especially those who are sick, or hungry. God give us blessings to share to others. Don’t hesitate. 

If you’re in need and you think there’s no one else that you can turn to? Seek God. He is good. Just ask and He will hear you, and will answer your prayer. Have faith. He always answers our prayer. He is a kind, and loving God. He will send you help, but make sure you also help other people when you can, so that your blessings will be pouring in. 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Chicken Tortilla Soup

 Today is Friday, woke up early, it was snowing last night, and continued until this morning. Despite that, I still got up early when my alarm went off at 4am. Did my usual routing every morning, it always takes me an hour to get ready. Downstairs,

I turned on the tv and watched the news, while checking the weather on my phone. At 5:30c, there was an announcement that the public school where I live had a 2 hour delay, text messages started to come in. 

From my boss, and my co-workers, then another text from my boss that schools here are closed, an hour later, schools from where I’m working decided to close too. Yay!!! Everybody’s happy…lol

Since it’s very cold, I decided to make Chicken Tortilla Soup, I didn’t have the other ingredients, off to the store I went. It was still snowing but the roads are clear. 

Armed with a complete ingredients, I checked online how to make it, it’s been ages since the last time I made it. ‘Twas easy and fast. 

Just in time, my husband came home, my tester. He tasted it, and said it tasted good. And it was!!! Perfect for a cold weather like today.

I don’t like the snow, but I like it when it pours on the weekdays, we get extra days off. The perks of working for the government…lol

The day went by so fast, I’m now on bed, ready to hit the sack. Tomorrow’s Saturday, rest day. 

Goodnight 💤 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Happy birthday in Heaven to my Dad

 Yesterday was my husband’s birthday, and today, it’s my dad’s. If he is alive, he is 91 today, but too bad, he only lived for 43 years, gone too soon 😔.

He died when I was just 9 years old, didn’t get to know him that well. During those years, he was working overseas , but I still remember how happy and proud I was when he came with me on our Christmas party, and it happened to be my birthday as well. He took a picture of our class, then when we got home, he took a picture of me outside. 

I think I was in third grade then, because the following year, I was in fourth grade, he passed, and the following year, there was a fire that started in our neighborhood, our house was one of those who got burnt, and I think, we didn’t get to save those pictures, my precious memory of my dear father 😢.

Up until now, almost 48 years since he died, I can still clearly see my father lying in a coffin, and I can still smell his perfume. His face is still clear to me, as well as his voice. I still miss him.  I know that his now with our Lord, together with my loving mother.

I know someday, we’ll get together again. For the meantime, I can only offer my prayers everyday, see you ‘Tay when I see you. 

I love you and nanay with all my heart. Thank you for being our parents, and I am very grateful and thank God for giving both of you as our parents. We love you ❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Happy birthday my hubby 🎂

I was so tired yesterday that I didn’t bother to post. But I wouldn’t miss this day, why? It’s my husband’s birthday!!!! Yay!!!

We both took a day off, but didn’t go anywhere. He just ordered Mexican food and I picked it up. Nothing much going on. 

I think we’re getting old that we didn’t go out to eat…lol. Even the present that I bought him didn’t fit, have to bring it back and change the color and size…bummer!!!

But hey, at least we still have each other, got to celebrate both of our birthdays, likewise with my son. Tomorrow is another day. 

Thank you Lord for the gift of life, and thank you for all the blessings 🙏.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Very tired

 I usually go to bed at 7:30, but not going to sleep yet. Most of the tom, I will still have to watch Korean Novela on Netflix, and since it was the final episode, I tried hard to stay awake so I can finish it.

There were times that I was falling sleep, then I’ll recover and started watching again. Until I finished it, but I was wide awake. I trier hard to sleep, and I think I did, only to wake up every minute.

Before I knew it, it was already 4am, time to get up! Duh! I got up ok, took a shower, headed back down, and when I was leaving, I called my 2 sisters, we video chat everyday while I was driving to work. My eldest sister asked me why I was calling them early. I usually call them 6am here and 9pm there. 

I checked my clock and it said 5am, I almost turned around and go back home, then I realized that maybe daylight savings time just started, and yes, first day today.

No wonder I was so tired, aside from I didn’t get enough sleep, I even lost 1 hour of my sleep because of the changed in time! 

I was so tired at work, and still tired that after writing thiss, I’m hitting the sack 🛌. 

Goodnight 💤 

Sunday, March 12, 2023


 We all have somebody to thank for. Our family, especially our parents, live ones, friends, it could be strangers. But most especially God, for creating this world, for giving us our parents who raised and nurtured us. 

I can go on and on and on. But some kids nowadays, has no clue what gratitude is. I’ve seen it, especially on the news, about how young ones who can’t even say thank you to those who helped them.

Showing gratitude doesn’t mean that you’ll be forever a slave to those who give you a hand when you were in need. It’s just acknowledging and giving them respect. At least acknowledge them. 

As for me, I had a lot of people helped me then when I was in need. Even people that I didn’t know, people that I never met in person, up until now. They helped me and I was so thankful for them.

Though they never asked me to return the favor that they did, I tried my best to help other people, pay it forward as they say. To help the needy. Even in my own simple way, and it feels so good. 

I’d rather help than I am the one that they’re helping. Though sometimes, there are people who asked for more, but that’s ok, Jesus said, if you help somebody, it was Him that we’re helping. 

And for the people who helped me, I am so thankful and very much grateful…… forever 😊

Saturday, March 11, 2023


As usual, I woke up st 6am. But this time, Quincy woke me up. I think he got used of me getting up at 4am on the weekends, and he probably wondered why i was still on bed when it was 6 in the morning already.

So, I did get up, did my morning routine before heading downstairs to take the dogs out to go to the bathroom.Saturday is my house chores, after starting the coffee, I’ll do the laundry, then clean the living room and the kitchen. 

I wasn’t to finish everything because we went out for a ride for a couple of hours, and then, I realized we don’t have coffee, so off I went to the store. By the time I was able to sit down and relax in the living room, it was past 6pm already.

The day went by so fast, I only have Sunday, a day left for the weekend. I still have a lot of chores to do, but that can wait until tomorrow.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Holy Week


Holy Week is near. Two weeks ago, it was Ash Wednesday, but wasn’t able to go to church since I worked. It was the start of no meat Friday. Though I am not a devout Catholic, I am still trying to practice not to eat meat during Fridays. 

I don’t go to church often, though I say the rosary everyday, and  pray at night, at least I can still maintain and practice what I used to do and what my mother taught us when we were young. 

I used to please other people, but I came to realize, why please them? The only that I have to please is God. People may leave, but ridicule, hurt, and leave us, but not God. 

We should please God more than anybody. Even if we hurt Him, even if we forget Him, He will always come to us whenever we need Him. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Spring Rolls

 I grew up eating these. These are always present in every Filipino parties, an all time favorite. My mother always make these. I learnt or should I say, I was forced to learn how to make these when we moved here in the USA.

Since it was just my son and I, and they’re his favorite, I always make him, until to these days. Whenever him and his friends has get together, he always asked me to make some for his friends, and of course, I’ll make extra, for him and his family, and for us too.

Americans are familiar with it too, they’re also became their favorite. They’re good especially when they’re freshly fried, very crunchy, of course they’re tasty. You can eat it by itself, or dip it in sweet chili sauce… heaven!

But since tomorrow is Friday, no meat day, I made tuna sparing rolls. It turned out good, but I can’t taste the tuna, because I only found a small can of tune, but that will be sufficient for our lunch at work. 

Let’s see if my co-workers will also like it 😉.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Back to Work

 After taking a day off yesterday, today I was at work. I was gone for a day but it seemed like ages. But I was busy, not complaining 😃.

We had frito pie for lunch, to welcome the temps. It’s tax season, that’s why they hire temps to help us once we get busy. 

But it probably won’t be that busy like in the past. Because most taxpayers now are doing it online. I wish it will still be the same as before, but things change. 

We already did our taxes even before they started accepting it, bot federal and state. That way, we don’t have to worry about it.

We’re anticipating that we will be busy on or after the due date. You know how people are, they’ll wait until the last minute. Maybe because they will be paying a lot or they’re just too lazy to submit it on time.

How about you? Did you do your taxes already? Don’t forget, the last day is on April 18th, either you file on or before to avoid the interest and penalty. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023



We didn’t get Sam spayed because we wanted her to have puppies. She’s almost 3 yrs old. We can’t find a stud her size, so we got another puppy, Quincy, but we call him Stinker 😃. He’s a cute and mellow puppy. When Sam was in heat, they hit it off. Almost 2 months after, we noticed Sam seemed pregnant. 

Today was her vet check up, so I took a day off. After checking up on her, I was told that she’s really pregnant, that I should start feeding her puppy food. The vet also said that she might have 3 or more puppies. 

Geez, seemed like we will really have a shelter…lol… I’m so excited as well as worried about Sam, she’s so little. But the doctor said she looked and will be fine. 

Within a week or two, we’ll have more cute puppies. I hope they’ll look like Sam, or Stinker, or a combo of both. Let’s wait and see 😊.

Monday, March 6, 2023

It’s that time of year again. A time when Girl Scouts’ cookie are being sold everywhere, whether in stores or online. 

When I was new at work, I had a co-worker who was selling these cookies, out of respect, and because I didn’t want her to get mad at me, I ordered. I did that I think for 2 consecutive years. Until the following year, I began to refused.

Aside from it became so expensive, nobody’s eating it. I know it’s to help the girl scouts, but for $5/box, it’s a waste of money in my opinion.

I’m not being stingy, also, my husband is diabetic, and if he saw that, he won’t be able to resist it. 

I remember when I was a little girl, I used to be a girl scout, until one day, I told my mother that we will go on a camping. She didn’t want me to go, aside from we didn’t have enough money, (at that time, my father already passed and she was the sole breadwinner,), she was scared that something might happened to me.

During those days, we were never told to sell cookies. But we used to give us tickets to sell, girl scout raffle tickets. We will be given 1 booklet per student. The booklet had 20 or 25 tickets, 1 pesos each. We had to sell that, it was a must.

I didn’t know how to sell so most of the time, it was my mother who ended up buying those tickets. Which by the way, never won, not even one…lol

Nowadays, girls, together with their parents are selling cookies. But they’re not wearing girl scout uniforms anymore. I wish they still do. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023


 My husband and were watching tv, then he told me that we should get some donuts. I agreed. He called a donut shop and and asked the girl who answered the phone what kind they have. She recited the flavors available, I don’t like fancy flavors, I only like sugar and glazed. Though sugar isn’t available, my other favorite (glazed) is. 

Off we went. Stores are far from where we live, it was 7:30pm, the drive was at least 20 minutes. When we got there, we noticed a sign on the door that the lobby was closed, so we waited in the drive thru since there was a car ahead of us. When it was our turn, my husband told her that we’re ordering a dozen donuts. She cut him off by telling us that they don’t have donuts.

Yes, a donut shop that doesn’t have donuts. “Amazing” isn’t it? Why they’re open if they don’t have their signature product? They’re paying rent, utilities, and employees, how can they stay open? And they’re open until 11pm, by selling what? They don’t have donuts! 

We went home pissed. We were both craving for it, but ended up without it. Usually when Joe tells me to buy dessert at night, I always say I don’t want to, but since I wanted to eat sweets, I agreed, only to go home with nothing.

That’s life though, you don’t know what you will happen next. Lesson learned? Just stay at home and be contented to what you have. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Nap Time

 I feel so tired, I need a nap! 

I was watching my kdrama in the living room, then I found myself falling asleep. I decided to go upstairs and take a nap. But you know, just like when you planned on doing something, it will never happened.

I am in the bedroom now, but sleep left me. I lost it. Where did it go? I dunno. Before I went here, had to take the dogs out so they can go to the bathroom, they needed it. That’s probably why I lost it, it took me so long.

I remember when we were little, it was a must to take a nap after school. I hated it. My older sisters were the ones that in-charged of us, since my mother was working. My Ate will threaten us, she’ll tell us that if we didn’t follow her, she’ll tell our mother, and we’ll be punished. Aside from that, we won’t have an afternoon snack. 

Instead of napping, I just wanted to go out and play with my friends. So, most of the time, together with my 2 brothers, we will fake it. We always pretend that we slept, by rubbing our eyes, until it becomes red, then we will yawn… eldest sister was too smart to believe us, she won’t let us go outside to play, and always told my mother.

I miss those days, when there were no gadgets and internet yet. When blackouts were rampant, and we will be playing hide and seek under the moonlight. When we knew all our neighbors, when there were not much kids outside, just us. When my mother and all our old neighbors were still alive. 

Aaaah memories, memories, memories, sweet ol’ memories. If I can only go back in time. But then still, I’m glad I have those memories to cherish. So, for now, let me take a nap, while I can….ZZZzzzzzzzz

Friday, March 3, 2023



Failure is a part of life. It doesn’t mean that we should give us. For me, it means that we should strive hard, harder. Failure doesn’t mean that we lost, it means, we deserve better. It is our pathway to success.

Even the great or well-known people experienced failure, but they didn’t give up. They worked harder to achieve their goal, their dream. 

My niece told me that her visa denial the other day made her stronger, it motivated her to improve herself and work harder. I was glad to hear that, at least it gave her a positive attitude. I don’t want her to lose interest and get discouraged just because she failed to get a visa.

Life doesn’t end there. I believe that if we didn’t get what we wanted, I know that God is working and will give us a better one. He will give it to us, at the right time…not in our time, but in His time…

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Coming To America Part 2

 This is just a continuation of what I was talking about yesterday, just like the title suggests, “coming to America”. I just can’t get over it.

Coming here really is hard, especially from a third world country like the Philippines. It’s always hard to get a tourist visa. I just feel sorry for my niece.

I was thinking about her, I know how disappointed she is, I know because I’ve been there. She probably was already planning of what to do here and what places to visit.

I’m not gonna lie, I was also planning on where to take her, like Disneyland, and other tourist spots. But everything webt down the drain because she got denied.

But I believe that it’s not time yet, everything has its own timing, maybe next year, maybe next next year, or maybe never??? Who knows.

But then again, unless you will be working here, or as immigrant, you’ll be granted visa, or you’re lucky 🍀. Other than that, you’ll be denied 🙅‍♀️.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Coming To America

 USA, everybody’s dream. When I was young, my dream was to come here. To have a good life. I applied for a tourist visa 2x, before, but also got denied 2x. Sad isn’t it? I just want to come here and visit, to see for myself why this country’s being called, “The land of milk and honey”. But wasn’t given a chance then.

I got lucky and met my husband, and was able to come here together with my son. We were so excited at first, especially when we experienced our first snow. My son was elated. 

There are good and bad in living here. The good is that, we can buy and eat whatever we like, the food that only rich people in the Philippines can eat, we can eat also here even if we’re not rich. If you’re not picky, and hard worker, you can have multiple jobs.

There are times that I miss my family, like when I had to waste food, I wish there are just a stone away so I can share them the food. 

I also wish I can bring all of them here, but it’s hard. Like today, my niece had an interview for a tourist visa, I knew for a fact that she won’t get it, but she still tried, after all, there’s no harm in trying, right?

True enough, she messaged me, and said that she got denied. She apologized, I told her, it’s not her fault. And that she can try applying a teacher instead. Hopefully, she’ll be able to get lucky and will be hired.

Yes, for somebody who come from the third world, it’s always hard to be given a visa. It’s like finding a needle in the haystack. Maybe one day, my family will be able to visit. Someday, somehow….

Sammy 🐶 ❤️

It was just March of this year when Sam gave birth to three beautiful puppies. We kept the youngest, Redd, I gave the other girl to my co-wo...